
Is it dangerous that i practice parkour by myself?

by Guest63235  |  earlier

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it's not that i want to practice by myself it's because my friends aren't interested or they dont want to try it. many of them dont even know what it is.




  1. I would say it's pretty dangerous and you might want to find someone to supervise you or a center to go do it.

  2. wtf is parkour? kid lay off the crack!

  3. It's usually good to have one or two friends with you. It's safer incase one of you get hurt, it's more fun as you guys can play tag or Capture the Flag, and you can help each other and discuss techniques.

    But it's still okay to train on your own. Sebastien Foucan recommends it in Jump Britain!

    Find a balance between doing it solo and doing it with a lot of people. Too many is bad, but not enough is bad as well.

    As for finding people in your area that do parkour - search google! Also try! For example, if I search "parkour new york" in google, I find the NY Parkour community website where people in NY gather to plan jams and such!

  4. Dude, just use common sense. If a jump or something does not feel right, then don't do it. Always safety before anything else. If by chance you do hurt yourself, idk. LOL just don't, thats the rule. lol it's the risk we take.

  5. Parkour is only as dangerous as the moves you perform and where you perform them.  And if you are just starting out you probably aren't fully conditioned enough to do the more dangerous stuff anyway.

    Like, trying to do a shoulder roll from 15 feet onto concrete is a lot worse than a roll from 5 feet onto grass.  So I'd say its fine as long as you just practice to easier stuff on soft terrain.

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