
Is it dangerous to carry turn on cell phone while it is lightning and rainy?

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  1. yes it's really dangerous.. u may get strike by the lightning cause cell phone had electicity.

  2. metal will attract lightning, but as long as you're not the tallest thing around, you should be okay...

  3. I live in washington dc, and last summer a young lady was standing at the bus stop waiting on a bus when it started to storm, she was struck by lightning and it struck her cell phone which burned to a crisp, she succumbed to her injuries later that evening... So no it is not a good idea to talk on your phone in a lightning storm.

  4. It is safe to use your cell phone during a storm. This also goes for cordless phones in your home. You would be in no greater danger than if you were standing in a storm without a phone.

    I think there is a misconception from the old "corded" phone days where lightning could and did travel through a phone line and zap the caller. You should not use a corded phone during a thunderstorm, but your cell phone is fine.

  5. guess not your still here  lol

  6. where have you been?

    Well yes. It is not as much as I am aware of.

  7. probably because my cell phone stop working in the rain

  8. No it isn't dangerous!

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