
Is it dangerous to give ur credit card number online?

by  |  earlier

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ok i have never bought anything online.....but i really want to pre-order the 4th book of twilight series online at and they ask for u credit card number over there any kind of danger in giving them ur credit card number...????

plz no stupid answers





  1. its very safe from amazon.

  2. it can be but i use amazon all the time its safe there (i use paypal so i know its safer when im ordering from smaller sights)

  3. I've probably done it thousands of times at this point and never had a problem anywhere.

  4. Not really.  Something could happen though.  Car crashes are dangerous but will it likely happen?  Not really.

    The best thing about credit cards is the company is willing to look into any fraudulent activities because it is their money that was taken.

  5. give it to me and find out

  6. I've ordered form before (which isl ike the same thing) and I have never had any problems with giving a credit card # before.

  7. Using your credit card through Amazon is perfectly safe.  It goes through a secured site for payment.  It'll say http: for the website instead of http; there's also a padlock at the bottom right corner of your browser window to indicate it's secure.

  8. amazon is perfectly safe

  9. You will be protected by your C.C. company should foul spending occur.

    Just look up in the address and make sure that it is secured.

    You can tell because it will say https instead of just http.

    If it is https you are golden.

    Go get that book!

  10. safe i have ordered from them

  11. As long as you are giving it to an established business like Amazon you're fine.  I've been buying stuff online for years and never had any problems.  

    PS Signing up for Paypal is a good idea so that way you don't have to give your credit card number out to multiple sites.  You just give it to them and then they set up payment for you.  It's really handy!

  12. should be safe but the answer is yes, it's dangerous you give your credit card number to people online.  It only takes about 24 hours for your information to be sold in the black market along with others.  And soon enough it will be locked as it's been used in several different countries.

  13. it depends on the website. is totally safe though.

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