
Is it dangerous to live in Israel?

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Is it dangerous to live in Israel?




  1. It is dangerous for a few reasons.  Firstly it has a war culture; it is a colonist, and is occupying another peoples land and there is an ongoing struggle to kick the zionists out.

    Secondly, there is a high level of poverty; and that makes people desperate.  Travelers are targets for these type of people.

  2. Depends on how much faith you have.

  3. It depends where you live.  A friend of mine lived in Jersulam for 3 months and had no fears and never witnessed any dangers.  In fact, she said that is the safest she has ever felt.

    However, there are parts of the country that are quite dangerous because of all the tensions right now.  If you are looking to move there, I would research which areas have tensions and which are safe before moving.

    btw my friend went over there with a Christian group and were well accepted.  I think most people over there judge based on what kind of person you are, NOT on your religion.  That being said, there are still people (like in every country) there are still some immature people who can't get passed someone being a different religion.

  4. Is it if you're a Palestinian. They refer to them as lice,cockroaches,etc.  They kill about 2000 per quarter,mostly children and elderly. But even if you're an American you are best advised to go with a tour group and stick with it,since boy soldiers are everywhere,and very trigger-happy.

  5. There are a few places that it is dangerous. But most of Israel is very safe and quiet and you can enjoy a great time!

  6. Depends on what part of the country you live in and what religeon you are

  7. it is more dangerous to live in dc than in israel.. or on the road (car accidents)

  8. No, not at all.

  9. I would feel safer in Sderdot than some American cities.  ( Not a joke)

    You go to a bad neighborhood bad things happen.

    Jerusalem is probably as safe as you can get.  No one wants to hurt Jerusalem.  go to the border get hit with a rock.

    Respect others religious culture and dress appropriately.

  10. as you are kind man,clever,help others and cooperate with them,,keeping your religion and thoughts for your self,,you can live any where

  11. No.  I would feel more safe in Israel proper than I would in the hamas controlled Gaza strip or jointly controlled west bank/judea samaria region.  

    As long as you don't live by those areas it is relatively safe Israel has responsibility to protect its citizens and they take that responsibilty seriously.

  12. yes it is!don't go there.

  13. Is a few border areas it is a little dangerous bu 95% of Israel is very safe. I have heard plenty of Israeli-Americans say that they felt more safe in Israel. For instance, in American, you can't just walk around in the middle of the night in a lot of places, etc. I felt very safe when I went there, especially with all the military-trained civilians and soldiers around. Cant beat it and its a wonderful country :)

  14. no more than anyother country

  15. To some degree. You are certainly more likely to be hit by a rocket in Israel than in the USA, but the chance of that happening is still very unlikely. You are probably in a little more danger if you live near Gaza, the Went Bank, or right next to the Lebanese border in the Golan.

    However, the chance of you being in danger is still incrediblely unlikely. Most Israelis have lived there all their lives and have never been in danger.

    The only time when you are truly in danger is if you join the Tzahal- the army. People have to serve 2-3 years. Most take desk jobs, but if you choose to be a soldier, then your life is definitely in danger.

  16. no

  17. yes b/c the israelis are very sly and cheap..

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