
Is it dangerous to smoke tea leaves in a pipe?

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My father-in-law, 92, lives with us, and smokes a pipe outside. From time to time he runs out of his usual tobacco brand but instead of telling me, he gets a tea bag, rips it open and smokes the contents. It smells awful and I don't think it's very good for him either. On the other hand, I've read tobacco and tea are related plants. I've stopped him doing this on many occasions, but since he's fit and healthy otherwise and he doesn't drink, how harmful can it be? Reasonable answers please, I know in theory he should stop smoking altogether but he enjoys it and at 92 it certainly won't be smoking that kills him. Thanks a lot. :-)




  1. well, the tea won't be anywhere near as bad for him as the tobacco, and since the tobacco is in a pipe, smking it shouldn't be as bad as ciggarettes, infact, studies have shown that the average pipe smoker lives longer than the general population (a fact that many anti-smoking advocates ignore).

    so relax about the tea, although i suggest he stops buying tea bags and starts using loose leaf (tastes and smokes better) and starts drinking more of it - it prevents cancer.

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