
Is it dangerous to speak honestly about the economy?

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In November 2007, a financial analyst has received some death threats for suggesting that Citigroup might have huge financial losses looming ahead.

"Ms Whitney, Forbes’s second-highest ranked stock picker for 2007, told The Times: “People are scared to be negative, especially when a company has such a wide holding. Clients are not pleased with my call and I have had several death threats."

Are many financial analysts still acting like cheerleaders for the economy and the stock market because of their fear of what might happen to them if they say the truth?




  1. It is dangerous for the Republican politician's chances around election time.

  2. Financial analysts have a vested interest on putting the best spin on the markets...It is their livelihood.

  3. Nah, that horse has left the gate.  Anyone trying to cheerlead this economy isn't taken seriously.

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