
Is it dangerous to surf during a lightning storm?

by  |  earlier

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Is it dangerous to surf during a lightning storm?




  1. yes really dangerous

  2. Duh , Stupid

  3. Your kidding...right!?

  4. Nope.  It's exciting.

  5. are you asking the question?

  6. YES!

  7. well... you're all trying to make this sound like a stupid question but it's not.

    first of all, if you look at the first five words of your question, it's already quite a legitimate question: is it dangerous to surf?


    is it more dangerous to surf during a lightning storm?  slightly.

    for those of you imagining that lightning striking anywhere in the water will electricute you, even if it's not near you, how would fish survive if that were the case.  if the wind is mellow enough to surf, you are probably not close enough to the pressure disturbances that cause lightning to ever be hit.  i have surfed numorous times near lightning storms in central america.  i know other people who also have, and yet i have never heard of anyone getting struck while surfing.

    there are many dangers to surfing, and lightning is surely something that could potentially be one of them, but if you see lightning i wouldn't say that you should necisarily hustle out of the water.

  8. um....duh! no brainer... some guy got cooked doing that.

  9. Yes!!!

  10. helloooo?! water and electricity. need i say more?

  11. I can't believe you even have to ask! YES!

  12. sounds risky.

  13. Try it, you will find out if its safe fairly quickly

  14. yes

    water and lightning are BAD NEWS

  15. duh de de de ur in the water

  16. yeah just a lil

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