
Is it dangerous to travel to Puerto la Cruz Venezuela?

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I am thinking of travelling this June with my husband.




  1. I don't see any reason not to go to Venezuela. Here's some travel information for you. Happy travels!

    Venezuela is a medium income country with a substantial oil industry.  The political situation in Venezuela is highly polarized and volatile.  Scheduled air service and all-weather roads connect major cities and most regions of the country.  Venezuela’s tourism infrastructure varies in quality according to location and price.  For an in depth country description of Venezuela, please read the Department of State Background Notes On Venezuela.

    ENTRY/EXIT REQUIREMENTS: A valid passport and a visa or tourist card are required.  Tourist cards are issued on flights from the U.S. to Venezuela for persons staying less than ninety days.  Venezuelan immigration authorities may require that U.S. passports have at least 6 months validity remaining from the date of arrival in Venezuela.  Some U.S. citizens have been turned back to the United States for having less than 6 months validity.  Passports should also be in good condition, as some U.S. citizens have been delayed or detained overnight for having otherwise valid passports in poor condition.

    Venezuelan immigration authorities may require that American citizens with dual American-Venezuelan nationality enter and exit Venezuela with a valid Venezuelan passport.  Please see our information on Dual Nationality for entry and exit requirements pertaining to dual nationals.

    Venezuela's legal code mandates that minors (under 18) who are residents of Venezuela (regardless of nationality) and who are traveling alone, with only one parent, or with a third party, must present a copy of their birth certificate and written authorization from the absent parent(s) or legal guardian, specifically granting permission to travel alone, with one parent, or with a third party.  This authorization must reflect the precise date and time of the travel, including flight and/or other pertinent information.  Without this authorization, immigration authorities will prevent the child's departure from Venezuela.  The Venezuelan Government no longer recognizes blanket or non-specific travel authorizations.  When a parent is deceased, a notarized copy of the death certificate is required in lieu of the written authorization.  If documents are prepared in the United States, the authorization and the birth certificate must be translated into Spanish, notarized, and authenticated by the Venezuela Embassy or a Venezuelan consulate in the United States.  If documents are prepared in Venezuela, only notarization by a Venezuelan notary is required.  A permission letter prepared outside of Venezuela is valid for 90 days.  A permission letter prepared in Venezuela is valid for 60 days.

    These requirements do not apply to children who are not Venezuelan citizens or who do not reside in Venezuela.  However, the requirements do apply to children who are Venezuelan citizens, even if they normally reside outside of Venezuela and are making only a short visit.  The requirements do not apply to non-Venezuelan residents who enter Venezuela with a tourist card or tourist visa and who do not exceed the permitted 90-day stay.  Beyond that time, immigration authorities may require the appropriate signed permission before allowing a child not traveling in the company of both parents to depart the country.

    Travelers entering Venezuela from certain countries are required to have a current yellow fever vaccination certificate.  The Venezuelan government recommends that all travelers, regardless of their country of departure, be vaccinated for yellow fever before entering Venezuela.  In late February there was a small outbreak of measles in Caracas.  Venezuelan officials claim to have contained the spread of the disease, which apparently originated in Europe.  Airport authorities currently require all travelers to show proof of vaccination.  If immunization cannot be proved, passengers are directed to vaccination kiosks.  Travelers should bring proof of vaccination (e.g. shot record) with them.

    An exit tax and airport fee must be paid when departing Venezuela by airline.  The exit tax is currently 33,600 Bolivares, and the airport fee is currently 84,000 Bolivares (a total of approximately 50 USD).  In many instances, especially with non-U.S. airlines, the exit tax and airport fee are not included in the airline ticket price and must be paid separately at the airport upon departure.  Authorities usually require that payment be made in local currency.  Both the departure tax and the airport fee are subject to change with little notice.  Travelers should check with their airlines for the latest information.

    For current information concerning entry, tax, and customs requirements for Venezuela, travelers may contact the Venezuelan Embassy at 1099 30th St. N.W., Washington D.C. 20007, tel: (202) 342-2214.  Visit the Embassy of Venezuela web site at  Travelers may also contact the Venezuelan consulates in New York, Miami, Chicago, New Orleans, Boston, Houston, San Francisco or San Juan.  Additional information about vaccination requirements for travel to Venezuela, as well as to other international destinations, may be obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's hotline for international travelers at 1-877-FYI-TRIP (1-877-394-8747); fax 1-888-CDC-FAXX (1-888-232-3299), or via CDC's Internet site at  See our Foreign Entry Requirements brochure for more information on Venezuela and other countries.

    Find more information about Entry and Exit Requirements pertaining to dual nationality and the prevention of international child abduction.  For further information about customs regulations, please read our Customs Information.

    SAFETY AND SECURITY:  Violent crime in Venezuela has spiked in recent months.  The country has the highest per-capita murder rate in the world.  Armed robberies take place in broad daylight throughout the city, including areas generally presumed safe and frequented by tourists.  Well armed criminal gangs operate with impunity, often setting up fake police checkpoints.  Kidnapping is a particularly serious problem, with more than 1,000 reported during the past year alone.  There have been several high profile kidnappings that have resulted in murder, including the killings of three minor Canadian brothers, a wealthy Italo-Venezuelan businessman, and the daughter of a senior Venezuelan military commander.  Investigation of all crime is haphazard and ineffective.  In the case of high-profile killings, the authorities quickly round up suspects, but rarely produce evidence linking these individuals to the crime.  Only a very small percentage of criminals are tried and convicted.

    Maiquetia Airport, the international airport serving Caracas, is dangerous and corruption is rampant.  Concerns include personal property theft, muggings, and “express kidnappings” in which individuals are taken to make purchases or to withdraw as much money as possible from ATMs, often at gunpoint.  The Embassy has received multiple, credible reports that individuals with what appear to be official uniforms or other credentials are involved in facilitating or perpetrating these crimes.  For this reason, American citizen travelers should be wary of all strangers, even those in official uniform or carrying official identification.  There are also known drug trafficking groups working from the airport.  Travelers should not accept packages from any persons and should keep their luggage with them at all times.

    Because of the frequency of robberies at gunpoint, travelers are encouraged to arrive during daylight hours if at all possible.  If not, travelers should use extra care both within and outside of the airport.  The Embassy strongly advises that all arriving passengers make advance plans for transportation from the airport to their place of lodging.  If possible, travelers should arrange to be picked up at the airport by someone who is known to them.  The Embassy has received frequent reports recently of armed robberies in taxicabs going to and from the airport at Maiquetia.  There is no foolproof method of knowing whether a taxi driver at the airport is reliable.  The fact that a taxi driver presents a credential or drives an automobile with official taxi license plates marked “libre” is no longer an indication of reliability.  Incidents of taxi drivers in Caracas overcharging, robbing, and injuring passengers are common.  Travelers should take care to use radio-dispatched taxis or those from reputable hotels.  Travelers should call a 24-hour radio-dispatched taxi service from a public phone lobby or ask hotel, restaurant, or airline representatives to contact a licensed cab company for them.

    A list of transportation services used by members of the Embassy community is available on the Embassy website at  The Embassy does not vouch for the professional ability or integrity of any specific provider.  The list is not meant to be an endorsement by the Department of State or the Embassy.  Likewise, the absence of any individual or company does not imply lack of competence.

    All Americans are encouraged to carry as little U.S. currency on them as possible upon entering Venezuela.  Due to the poor security situation, the Embassy does not recommend changing money at the international airport.  Visitors should bring a major credit card, but should be aware of widespread pilfering of credit card data to make unauthorized transactions.  Travelers’ checks are not recommended as they are honored in only a few locations.  It is possible to exchange U.S. currency at approved exchange offices near major hotel chains in Caracas (personal checks are not accepted) and at commercial banks with some restrictions.  Due to new currency exchange laws hotels can no longer provide accommodation exchange.  There are ATM machines throughout Venezuela, but travelers should be careful to use those only in well-lit public places.  ATM data has also been hacked and used to make unauthorized withdrawals from user’s accounts.

    Cross-border violence, kidnapping, drug trafficking, smuggling, and cattle-rustling occur frequently in areas along the 1,000-mile border between Venezuela and Colombia.  Some kidnap victims have been released after ransom payments, while others have been murdered.  In many cases, Colombian terrorists are suspected.  Colombia 's National Liberation Army (ELN) have had a long history of kidnapping for ransom, and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) are active in the kidnapping trade.  Common criminals are also increasingly involved in kidnappings, either dealing with victim's families directly or selling the victim to terrorist groups.  In-country travel by U.S. Embassy employees, both official and private, within a 50-mile area along the entire Venezuela/Colombia border, is prohibited.

    The State Department warns American citizens not to travel within a 50-mile area along the entire Venezuela/Colombia border.  U.S. citizens who elect to visit areas along the border region with Colombia against this warning, apart from the Colombian terrorist threat, could encounter Venezuelan military-controlled areas and may be subject to search and arrest.

    The U.S. Embassy must approve in advance the official travel to Venezuela of all U.S. Government personnel.  Private travel by U.S. military personnel to Venezuela requires advance approval by the U.S. Embassy.  Non-military employees of the U.S. Government do not need Embassy approval for private travel.

    The incidence of political demonstrations in Venezuela has decreased markedly since the referendum in August 2004.  Nevertheless, travelers should be aware that violence, including exchanges of gunfire, has occurred at political demonstrations in the past.  Demonstrations tend to occur at or near university campuses, business centers, and gathering places such as public squares and plazas.  Marches are relatively frequent and may be planned for busy thoroughfares significantly impacting traffic.  Most major tourist destinations, including coastal beach resorts and Margarita Island, have not in the past been generally affected by protest actions.  However, the city of Merida, a major tourist destination in the Andes, has been the scene of frequent student demonstrations, some of them violent, including the use of firearms.

    Harassment of U.S. citizens by pro-government groups, Venezuelan airport authorities, and some segments of the police occurs but is quite limited.  However, Venezuela’s most senior leaders, including President Chavez, regularly express anti-American sentiment.  The Venezuelan government’s rhetoric of hate directed against the U.S. government, as well as American culture and institutions, is slowly affecting attitudes in what used to be one of the most pro-American countries in the hemisphere.

    Travelers should keep informed of local developments by following the local press, radio and television.  Visitors should also consult their local hosts, including U.S. and Venezuelan business contacts, hotels, tour guides, and travel organizers.  Information on the current situation in Venezuela is available on the Embassy’s website at  U.S. citizens traveling or residing in Venezuela are advised to take common-sense precautions and avoid large gatherings and demonstrations, no matter where they occur.

    Venezuela is an earthquake-prone country and is occasionally subject to torrential rains, which can cause major disasters such as the one in Vargas State in 1999.  Travelers who intend to rent or purchase long-term housing in Venezuela should exercise care to choose structures designed for earthquake resistance.  Such individuals may wish to seek professional assistance from an architect or civil/structural engineer, as does the Embassy, when renting or purchasing a house or apartment in Venezuela.  Americans already housed in such premises are also encouraged to seek a professional structural assessment of their housing.  For further information on seismic activity, you may wish to visit: , or

    For the latest security information, Americans traveling abroad should regularly monitor the Department of State’s web site the current Worldwide Caution Public Announcement, Travel Warnings, and Public Announcements can be found.

    Up-to-date information on safety and security can also be obtained by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll free in the U.S., or for callers outside the U.S. and Canada, a regular toll-line at 1-202-501-4444.  These numbers are available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).

    The Department of State urges American citizens to take responsibility for their own personal security while traveling overseas.  For general information about appropriate measures travelers can take to protect themselves in an overseas environment, see the Department of State’s pamphlet A Safe Trip Abroad.

    CRIME:  Venezuela and its capital, Caracas, have one of the highest per capita murder rates in the world.  Virtually all murders go unsolved.  The poor neighborhoods that cover the hills around Caracas are very dangerous.  These areas are seldom patrolled by police and should be avoided.  Armed robberies are common in urban and tourist areas throughout Venezuela, even areas presumed safe and visited by tourists.  Crimes committed against travelers are usually money-oriented crimes, such as theft and armed robbery.  Incidents occur during daylight hours as well as at night.  Many criminals are armed with guns or knives and will use force.  Jewelry attracts the attention of thieves.  Travelers are advised to leave jewelry items, especially expensive-looking wristwatches, at home.  Gangs of thieves will often surround their victims and use a chokehold to disable them, even in crowded market areas where there is little or no police presence.  Theft from hotel rooms and safe deposit boxes is a problem, and theft of unattended valuables on the beach and from rental cars parked near isolated areas or on city streets is a common occurrence.  A guarded garage or locked trunk is not a guarantee against theft.  Pickpockets concentrate in and around crowded bus and subway stations in downtown Caracas.  Subway escalators are favored sites for "bump and rob" petty thefts by roving bands of young criminals.  Many of these criminals are well dressed to allay suspicion and to blend in with crowds using the subways during rush hour.  Travelers should exercise caution in displaying money and valuables.

    The number of kidnappings is increasing.  The high profile kidnap and killing of three minor Canadian brothers and their driver shocked the nation for its brutality.  A wealthy Italo-Venezuelan businessman was also recently kidnapped and killed, as was the daughter of a military commander.

    "Express kidnappings," in which victims are seized in an attempt to get quick cash in exchange for their release, are a problem.  Kidnapping of U.S. citizens and other foreign nationals, from homes, hotels, unauthorized taxis and the airport terminal has occurred.  U.S. citizens should be alert to their surroundings and take necessary precautions.

    The Department has received reports of robberies during nighttime and early morning hours on the highways around and leading to Caracas.  Reports have specifically involved cars being forced off the La Guaira highway leading from Caracas to the Maquetia International Airport, and the "Regional del Centro" highway leading from Caracas to Maracay/Valencia, at which point the victims are robbed.  The Department recommends avoiding driving at night and in the early morning where possible.  Drivers traveling on highways during nighttime and early morning hours should exercise caution.

    Police responsiveness and effectiveness in Venezuela varies drastically.  U.S. travelers have reported robberies and other crimes committed against them by individuals wearing uniforms and purporting to be police officers or National Guard members.

    The growing number of incidents of p****y off the coast of Venezuela are of increasing concern.  Some of these incidents have been especially violent, including the severe beating of a U.S. citizen in 2002, the fatal shooting of an Italian citizen in January 2004, and a machete attack on a U.S. citizen in 2005.  U.S. citizen yachters should exercise a heightened level of caution in Venezuelan waters.  The U.S. Coast Guard’s flyer outlining safety precautions for yachters in around Venezuela can be found on the Embassy’s website.

    During 2004 and 2005 the Embassy has learned of several instances where women lured American men to Venezuela after establishing “relationships” with them over the Internet.  Some of these men were robbed shortly after they arrived in Venezuela.  Others were recruited to act as narcotics couriers or “drug mules.”  In three instances, the Americans were arrested at the airport with narcotics in their possession and are now serving long jail terms in Venezuela.

    In many countries around the world, counterfeit and pirated goods are widely available.  Transactions involving such products may be illegal under local law.  In addition, bringing them back to the United States may result in forfeitures and/or fines.  More information on this serious problem is available at .

    INFORMATION FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME:  The loss or theft abroad of a U.S. passport should be reported immediately to the local police and the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.  If you are the victim of a crime while overseas, in addition to reporting to local police, please contact the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate for assistance.  The Embassy/Consulate staff can, for example, assist you to find appropriate medical care, contact family members or friends and explain how funds could be transferred.  Although the investigation and prosecution of the crime is solely the responsibility of local authorities, consular officers can help you to understand the local criminal justice process and to find an attorney if needed.

    See our information for Victims of Crime.

    MEDICAL FACILITIES AND HEALTH INFORMATION:  Medical care at private hospitals and clinics in Caracas and other major cities is generally good.  Public hospitals and clinics generally provide a lower level of care and basic supplies at public facilities may be in short supply or unavailable.  Cash payment is usually required in advance of the provision of medical services at private facilities, although some facilities will accept credit cards.  Patients who cannot provide advance payment may be referred to a public hospital for treatment.  Private companies that require the patient to be a subscriber to the service or provide cash payment in advance generally provide the most effective ambulance services.  Public ambulance service is unreliable.  U.S. citizens should be aware that due to the currency restrictions in effect in Venezuela they might find it difficult to receive wire transfers from abroad, whether through a bank or Western Union.  Such wire transfers cannot be used reliably as a source of emergency funds.  U.S. citizens traveling to Venezuela may also find it difficult to obtain certain prescription drugs, particularly name brands, and should ensure that they have sufficient quantities of all medications for the duration of their stay.

    Information on vaccinations and other health precautions, such as safe food and water precautions and insect bite protection, may be obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s hotline for international travelers at 1-877-FYI-TRIP (1-877-394-8747); fax 1-888-CDC-FAXX (1-888-232-3299), or via the CDC’s Internet site at  For information about outbreaks of infectious diseases abroad consult the World Health Organization’s (WHO) website at  Further health information for travelers is available at

    MEDICAL INSURANCE:  The Department of State strongly urges Americans to consult with their medical insurance company prior to traveling abroad to confirm whether their policy applies overseas and whether it will cover emergency expenses such as a medical evacuation.  Please see our information on medical insurance overseas.

    TRAFFIC SAFETY AND ROAD CONDITIONS:  While in a foreign country, U.S. citizens may encounter road conditions that differ significantly from those in the United States.  The information below concerning Venezuela is provided for general reference only, and may not be totally accurate in a particular location or circumstance.

    Driving regulations in Venezuela are similar to those in the U.S., although many drivers do not obey them.  Defensive driving is a necessity.  Child car seats and seatbelts are not required and are seldom available in rental cars and taxis.  Outside the major cities, night driving can be dangerous because of unmarked road damage or repairs in progress, unlighted vehicles and livestock.  Even in urban areas, road damage is often marked by a pile of rocks or sticks left by passersby near or in the pothole or crevice, without flares or other devices to highlight the danger.  Traffic jams are common within Caracas during most of the day.  Stops at National Guard and local police checkpoints are mandatory.  Drivers should follow all National Guard instructions and be prepared to show vehicle and insurance papers and passports.  Vehicles may be searched.  Inexpensive bus service is available to most destinations throughout the country, but the high incidence of criminal activity on public transportation makes bus travel inadvisable.  Peak holiday travel occurs during summer and winter school breaks and major civil and religious holidays, including Carnival, Easter, Christmas and New Year's holidays.  Lengthy delays due to road congestion are common during these peak periods.

    Please refer to our Road Safety page for more information.  For the latest information concerning Venezuelan driving permits, road taxes, vehicle inspection or insurance requirements, contact the Embassy of Venezuela at (202) 342-2214, or visit their website at:

    AVIATION SAFETY OVERSIGHT:  The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the Government of Venezuela as being in compliance with ICAO international aviation safety standards for the oversight of Venezuela’s air carrier operations.  For more information, travelers may visit the FAA’s Internet web site at

    SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES: The government of Venezuela implemented rigid foreign exchange controls in early 2003, including a fixed official rate of exchange.  Foreign exchange transactions must take place through exchange houses or commercial banks at the official rate.  Due to a new law in which became effective in October 2005 it is no longer possible to exchange money at hotels.  Currency exchange by tourists can be arranged at "casas de cambio" (exchange houses).  There are exchange houses located near most major hotels.  It is also possible to exchange money at commercial banks; however, visitors should be aware that the exchange would not be immediate.  Exchanges through commercial banks must first be approved by the Commission for Administration of Foreign Currencies (CADIVI).  This requires a registration process, which delays the exchange.  The exchange control mechanisms also require the exchange houses and commercial banks obtain authorization from CADIVI to trade Bolivares (the local currency) into U.S. dollars.  Outside the major cities, a good supply of Venezuelan currency is necessary, as it may be difficult to find exchange houses.  The Embassy cannot provide foreign currency exchange services.

    Travelers likely will encounter individuals in Venezuela who are willing to exchange Bolivares for U.S. dollars at a rate significantly higher than the official rate of exchange.  These "parallel market" currency exchanges are prohibited under the Venezuelan foreign exchange controls.  Travelers engaging in such activity are advised that they may find themselves in difficulties with the Venezuelan authorities.  Additionally, in accordance with a new law, which became effective in October 2005, any person who exchanges more than 10,000 U.S. dollars in the course of a year through unofficial means is subject to a fine of double the amount exchanged.  If the amount exceeds 20,000 U.S. dollars the penalty is two to six years imprisonment.  Any person who transports more than 10,000 U.S. dollars into or out of Venezuela by any means must declare this amount to customs officials.

    Credit cards are generally accepted at most upscale tourist establishments, but foreign exchange controls have made credit card acceptance less common than in the past.  Visa, MasterCard and American Express have representatives in Venezuela.  Due to the prevalence of credit card fraud in Venezuela, travelers should exercise caution in using their credit cards and should check statements regularly to ensure that no unauthorized charges have been made.  Most major cities have ATMs with 24-hour service where users may withdraw local currency, but many of these ATMs will not accept U.S.-issued debit cards.

    Venezuelan customs authorities may enforce strict regulations concerning temporary importation into or export from Venezuela of items such as plant and animal products, firearms, medications, archaeological or "cultural heritage" items, and pirated copies of copyrighted articles.  It is advisable to contact the Embassy of Venezuela in Washington or one of Venezuela's consulates in the United States for specific information regarding customs requirements.  Please see our customs information.

    CRIMINAL PENALTIES:  While in a foreign country, a U.S. citizen is subject to that country's laws and regulations, which sometimes differ significantly from those in the United States and may not afford the protections available to the individual under U.S. law.  Penalties for breaking the law can be more severe than in the United States for similar offenses.  Persons violating Venezuela’s laws, even unknowingly, may be expelled, arrested or imprisoned.  Penalties for possession, use, or trafficking in illegal drugs in Venezuela are severe, and convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences and heavy fines.  Engaging in sexual conduct with children or using or disseminating child pornography in a foreign country is a crime, prosecutable in the United States.  Please see our information on Criminal Penalties.

    CHILDREN'S ISSUES:  For information on international adoption of children and international parental child abduction, see the Office of Children’s Issues website.

    REGISTRATION / EMBASSY LOCATION: Americans living or traveling in Venezuela are encouraged to register with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate through the State Department’s travel registration website , and to obtain updated information on travel and security within Venezuela.  Americans without Internet access may register directly with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.  By registering, American citizens make it easier for the Embassy or Consulate to contact them in case of emergency.

    The Consular Section is open for American Citizen Services from 8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Monday through Friday, excluding U.S. and Venezuelan holidays.  The U.S. Embassy is located at Calle Suapure and Calle F, Colinas de Valle Arriba, Caracas.  The telephone number during regular business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) is (58)(212) 975-6411.  In case of an after-hours emergency, callers should dial (58)(212) 907-8400.  The Embassy’s website,, contains complete information about services provided and hours of operation.

    A part-time consular agent in Maracaibo provides services for U.S. citizens in western Venezuela.  The agent is available to the public every Monday from 8:15 am to 12:15 pm, at the Centro Venezolano Americano del Zulia (CEVAZ), Calle 63 No. 3E-60, Maracaibo; telephone (58)(0261) 797-8323 or 8324 or 8325.

  2. Isn't dangerous at all. I mean all the places in Venezuela have the risk of insecurity but it depends which place you go at what time etc etc. If you go to touristic places like beaches, mountains, and parks it will be safe at all. But when going to downtown, of any other places, used your common sense of not going late at night or alone. I hope you come here to my country and have a nice time. Don´t forget to visit Mochima National Park... beautifull beaches. The best are located near Cumana. Other little town to visit is Altos de Santa Fe (or Altos de Sucre), There are many modest lodges with spa treatments. I guess very cheap for you. :-)

  3. Not at all... I just went there with a couple of friends and I had a blast!!! Go to see the free dolphins tour!! amazing! From Plaza Mayor

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