
Is it dangerous to use an Ouija Board Alone?

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First of all, people who think the board is fake - leave

If you say only bad things come out of it - leave

If you will tell me to talk to a spiritualist church - definitely leave

If you say this only opens a portal for demons - leave

I ONLY will appreciate adive from people who have had previous experience

Will it be safe to try out a home-made paper Ouija for the first time at about 5-9pm ALONE, starting and ending with a prayer and with white candles?

Also does anyone know how to attract good spirits?




  1. #1 The Ouija board that you buy from Toys-R-Us does not work. The board must be of wood "PERIOD" also there are more things with the slider, that is why they can sell the Ouija board at a toy store (no workie). If you have a 100% real one then you know never, never play alone!

         Bad spirits play cruel tricks and some will infest your house, this is very dangerous. Treat it with respect !! Always have someone present and know the proper procedure of expelling spirits while they visit.

  2. i played with it befor.. XD but yeah i wont touch it again ever since when i played it alone things moved and then my hair felt like it was one fire 0-o..

    they recomand you to play with more then 2 people and to have a cell phone on you and not a house phone cuase they can stop those very easy..make sure you door and windows are unlock soo if someting happens you can run out and i would do it at the hour when its starting to get dark..

    if you want to get scared then

    lite 12 candles red and white and one black. set them around you...

    then only You play the game or one more person with you..

    lock all the doors and window.Turn off all lights And Then.. Call for a black Spirt..

    But also by the way..

    If you are only wanting white spirites on your board then you must ask speak to the board it self and ask for a cleaning of all evil spirits..the pointer will spend around in cyles...

    you dont have to believe me but look it up and google it..

    i played when i was 13 with my family it was freakie... and then i played by my self at 16 and thats when the bad stuff happen..

    i am 17 now ^_^

  3. omg that thing FREAKED me out! i only did it once (not by myself) and me, my sister and all our friends were convinced the other person was making it move. till we pulled away and it kept moving for a second. we were almost crying and the air to the right of us got freezing cold. it was a hot summer night and we didnt have air conditioning or anything like that. we reached our hands to this one spot and you could feel the cold air. you move your hand away and its normal...move your hand to the spot and it feels like a freezer. we put it away and never played it again.

  4. The board is not fake. I would not mess with it.

    btw your avatar looks like someone who's on a highway to h**l.

  5. For somebody who is so stuck-up with what type of answer you'll accept, you seem to know nothing about the use of a Ouija board...first of all they don't work with a single person.

  6. It would freak me out to use it alone.  I think it only works with a group of people..but I'm not sure.  I left a link below if you are interested.

  7. attracting good spirits is easy

    play soft gentle music with positive-sounding lyrics

    erase all negativity from your mind with meditation

    ask for the good spirits to come, and you will know theyve come by the way they radiate love and warmth, instead of fear and confusion. Ive never tried a uoiji board but have some experince contacting spirits without any of these methods. It all started about five years ago when I stood by the roadside where a young man had died on his motorcyle the night before. There was nothing I could do to save him because he suffered critical injuried and was pronounced dead by the time the ambulance arrived. So anyways, the next night I went to the place where he died and just started singing and talking to his spirit. You can think Im lying all you liek but I saw a white ball of light floating around me which I took to be his orb. This was out in the middle of the country, so really there were no disturbances. It was quite fascinating. Ive thought differantly ever since. I still feel his spirit every now and then, and I think he trying to thank me for trying to save his life.

  8. all i know, is don't ask them stupid questions.

    they get pissed.

  9. I know this guy, and his sister's friend was playing with a Ouijia board - AND SHE GOT PREGNANT even though she was a virgin, and the kid is 6 now, and 2 of his babysitters have mysteriously died while taking care of him!  This is 100% true.

  10. My aunts played with a real ouija board they made out of wood...they started asking questions and got very addicted to the one Honduras, they lit candles and played...when all of a sudden they were both wrapped up by the curtains and suspended from them...and there was a strong wind and a deep almost demonic voice laughed at them...they never touched it again and they had to burn it in a trashcan to properly dispose of it....

    i know this because i was curious and asked them about playing Ouija and they freakin'almost killed verify, i asked my dad and uncles and they confirmed so....i'm not gonna tell you not to do it, but if you do...make sure you are ready to handle whatever comes at must be strong of faith and of luck

  11. You may not appreciate this response since I've never used one before.  But I know people who have used them before.  You will not attract "good" spirits.  If at some point you think that you have attracted at "good" spirit, be forewarned that you are being deceived.  It's best to not even get involved with it.

  12. The answer you want is: yes it will only attract good spirits.

    Go for it, It won't kill you..

    or wait... will it?

    I did it by myself once and got so bored that I tried to pull pranks on the spirits. I'd contact them and then tell them I got the wrong spirit and then mess around with them. I've never been the same since.

  13. Well, I tried it and nothing bad happened to me. I used to do it alone all the time.

    Honestly, I could never get it to work for me, so I just wrote it off as being a load of bull, but I thought I would let you know that nothing happened to me.

  14. I'm an expert.

    Don't even take it out of the box if you are alone.

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