
Is it dangerous when people are in a pool, while it's thundering?

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Is it dangerous when people are in a pool, while it's thundering?




  1. Technically no its not dangerous because thunder cant hurt you since its just sound. Its the lightning that would kill you and since water is a very excellent conductor chances are much higher than if you wasn't in the pool. But hopefully common sense would tell you if there is thunder there is lightning somewhere and to get out.

  2. YES!

  3. Of course. If you are not to sure about our question's just keep swimming when its thundering. :]

  4. YES!

    The pipes in the pool are connected to earth ground, and the entire pool is a conductor.  If lightning struck  the pool, you would be electrocuted and likely die.  If you didn't die, you would likely suffer severe brain damage from the shock of the rapidly expanding air of the nearby lightning bolt.

  5. if you can hear thunder you can get struck by lightning!!!!

  6. Yes because the pool is the only open space outside where you can get struck by lightning.

  7. Yes. While it's unlikely that there will be a direct

    strike on the pool, a strike nearby will cause

    considerable current to flow through the ground.

    Swimmers in a pool would be at particular risk from this.

  8. Be aware of your local weather conditions and never go swimming during thunderstorms.

    A bolt of lightning hitting a nearby utility

    pole COULD travel via the electrical circuits to the pool’s pump and throughout the water. In such a scenario persons swimming in the indoor pool as well as persons within a damp pool enclosure COULD be electrocuted.

    “Safety experts” and “aquatic consultants” agree that one cannot be too careful and humans must “Stay out of the water!"

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