
Is it denial to feel detached from your own existence? viewing myself in 3rd person?

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Is it denial to feel detached from your own existence? viewing myself in 3rd person?




  1. Well I'm not sure it's denial as such, it's good to reflect, be objective. But don't forget the reality. Don't get attached to not being you.

    You should always treat yourself as if you were your best friend or your kid/mother. Be happy with who you are. In the East they think we're so strange not being at one with ourselves. Give yourself a hug, tell yourself you're okay. Don't worry about it.  

  2. Is it denial?  I'm not sure I understand you're question correctly, sorry.

  3. Yes and we all do it sometimes . You kind of feel that you have stepped back from yourself - I generally do it when I have to give myself a 'wake - up call' about something! I gave myself a huge wakey wakey about something recently - I needed to.

  4. I can only respond to this with a subjective anecdote...most individuals I have met who refer to themselves in the 3rd person, delude themselves that they are being detached and aloof, objective in their approach to situations and life in general, when actually they are  self aggrandising and arrogant, very rarely seeing themselves as part of problems or indeed solutions.  Most have also been men who seem to have seen the world revolving round them since they were children.  Not a sign of mental illness, just the 'little prince' syndrome they are socialised into along the way.

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