
Is it difficult to find a partner/relationship if you are diabetic? This is to say thanks for the answers. ?

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Is it difficult to find a partner/relationship if you are diabetic? This is to say thanks for the answers. ?




  1. Of course not. My best friend is in a strong relationship with a diabetic and it does not affect their relationship whatsoever :)

  2. No, its not. It depends on what you are looking for in a partner...Your health problem does not matter the ball is in your court....Also, you can pray on it.

  3. No ... Why would it? People with diabetes are like everyone else.

  4. I dont think so.. unles you are very ill and have severe limitations.

    Everyone has something they are dealing healthwise these days

    blood pressure,weight,stress,diabetes,eating disorders, etc...

    It your personality that yourself and I am sure you will find a companion.  a good place to meet people are Clubs: Church groups, book clubs, bingo, travel groups,whatever you are interested in...

    Good Luck

  5. no my husband is diabetic and has a prostiesis

  6. No it is not. But diabetes sucks :(

  7. I don't think so.

       Love tends to overlook imperfections.  

  8. no. its not.

  9. only if you like sweet guys

  10. No.  Just find someone that is also diabetic or someone that wants to be with you no matter what happens.

  11. no it shouldnt be if someone loves you it shouldnt matter even if you were missing a leg or an arm if they love you it dosent matter  goodluck

  12. No it is not. Just date someone and when you know it is for real tell them you have diabetes. If someone does date you because your a diabetic, they are stupid and they aren't worth you wasting your time.

  13. no its not

    alot of people find love wven when they are in even more difficult situations

  14. why would it be?  you are human.. Diabetis is not contagious.  

    tell you intended, if he has a problem with it, he is not worth having.

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