
Is it difficult to learn how to surf?

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How long may it take to learn it?

By the way, (and pardon me if it is stupid to ask this), but are there courses to learn surf in countries where it is popular?




  1. in cali, (where i learned to surf) there are lots of places to learn! it isn't super hard, but not like totally easy! it is so awesome though!

  2. you make it difficult or not.

    some people learn in 1 month and some take a year to learn. and yes most known tourist surf spots offer surf lessons

  3. The difficulty all depends on the individual--whether you have the natural balance and a lot of other variables including how fearful you are of the ocean (don't laugh--I've seen people who are intimidated of the ocean try!)  Probably within a couple of months you should be up and riding if you get the idea of it at all.

    Here in Hawaii, there are loads of places to go to learn.  Anywhere around--Hawaii, California, Australia--you can always go to a good surf shop and ask someone there.  They will know the locals and either recommend someone, or, if you have someone in mind, can tell you if that person is competent.  Around Waikiki, there are plenty guys ready to "teach" you to surf, if only they would learn first.  There are also some really GOOD teachers around.  But the folks at the surf shops can usually tell you.

  4. Its a talent I think

  5. Most people can learn to catch waves and stand on their own in one-two sessions with a good instructor.  Becoming a competent surfer takes awhile depending on how often you go.

    There are plenty of schools and instructors all over the world.  The best instructors are those who have been trained through one of the certifying organizations.   There are also camps where you can go and learn. plus there are many sources on the Internet that provide information on how to surf.  I wouldn't try surfing without taking a lesson though as it's difficult to learn from just reading about it.

    For a few sources, I've included a surf library link with many references and a link to the NSSIA website below.


  6. I asked this question before .  I was suggested to go to surf school because they are professional and insured , so it worth it for all lesson with money better than loosing your life with your friends or amauteurs.

    Happy Surfing!!!!

  7. Yes, you can get lessons in places where people surf.  :-)

    If you have good balance and some upper body strength for paddling you should be fine.

    Here's a great article for beginners I found called 'Learn How To Surf In One Day':

    It's got some great tips and easy to follow step-by-step instructions.

    Good luck!

  8. its not easy, but its not very difficult.

    depending on where you go, i suppose there will be courses available as long as the place is known for surfing. im sure you can ask the locals who depend on tourism and they will teach you for a fee.

    Come to the philippines, there are plenty of spots where the locals are friendly and will teach you and it will be cheap compared to lets say hawaii

    you just need someone to teach you how to stand properly and to push you a few times till you get it. then you have to go practice on your own to improve

  9. I stood up the second wave when i was learning for the very first time, on  a 5'4 fibro shorty!

    now i surf all the time and i am hooked!


    depending on your balance and co-ordination you could get it easy you could get it hard?

    look up your yellow pages and see surf lessons

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