
Is it difficult to switch from marketing to economics as a major?

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I'm not sure if the dept of econ will allow me. Do my grades matter, if I've already attended the univ.?




  1. We don't know the rules of your university - you'd do much better talking to professors or staff there than asking uninformed strangers on the internet.

  2. If they're both in the same school, it should be easy, as long as you've fulfilled the prerequisites.  Departments generally don't care about your grades, as long as you have above a 2.0 in both your general classes and in the econ classes/prereqs you've taken so far.  If your school has a separate business school, then it would be harder.  You'd have to consult your adviser.

  3. It shouldn't be very hard at all.  The only problem you may run into is with prerequisites for certain classes, or I guess if you had a poor GPA they may not want you in the Econ department, but that would be rare, especially if you spoke with the Econ professors and got their help.  Good luck!

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