
Is it disgusting to dream of the idea of living with your boyfriend?

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in the far feature?

He bought an apartment that needs a lot of fixing and I have helped to do it all, all all....not specialy with the idea to live there; but of course to help and for him to see I am good to be with him too; I have to be solidary anyway. But I cancel everything for me on weekends and it all my time is for it; to fix, to clean, to this, to that. He cancels things for us to do and we always go there to do stuff. So I got mad and told him I do so much and I am not even going to live there and he said. To help thinking I will live ther is disgusting and that just because we have been together for a very long time he owes me nothing. So he called me disgusting for saying what I think is a normal feeling and I was telling the truth anyway.

So now we told each other horrible things and broke up and for him I offend him and for me he thinks I am disgusting for that and stupid.

Am I wrong or what? Does he love me or did he loved me?

I am not so sure anymore of that. But it sure hurts like h**l; but who is going to do general construction of a floor; clean bathroom; floor; paint put floor and put my needs asi to help for nothing at all; for someone else in the far future to be there?

Am I crazy for thinking like this?




  1. He might have loved you, but now it sounds like he is just using you. He doesn't respect you or your time, so I say you just leave him and his apartment alone. You'll find someone who loves you and values you, and the sooner you get rid of this douche the sooner your Prince Charming will come! Please get rid of him, he's only holding you down!

  2. i dont think your crazy at all...

    you where just making a general statement.

    you where putting in all the work just because.

    he was an idiot for thinking otherwise.

    not shure to tell you if he did or did not love you.

    my boyfriend broke up with me cuz i smoked a ciggarette after telling me he was ok with it. but i know for a fact he loved me and wanted ot get married. if its ment to be it will happen. we eventually got back together. maybe he just needs time to cool off. or there could have been some other reason he wanted to break up and he just needed an excuse

  3. no i dont think your crazy at all....i think its perfectly fine to wish you lived with your bf or want to..same

    hope you get what you wish for!

  4. Obviously you didn't want the same things. Your breakup was probably for the better.

    You're not disgusting. He's probably just afraid of making any real commitment.  

  5. I think he had feelings for you and he might now be using you for work and he might also like to have you around out of habit. I would drop it and never look back. The future is bright.

  6. Honey, it sounds like you're more concerned with the maintenence of his place than him. Your relationship shouldn't revolve around who cleans more or who tiled the bathroom floor. If you were planning on moving in with him, renovating together could be a cherished memory and make the place more special to the two of you but if he broke up with you because you thought about moving in then it doesn't sound like he was very grounded. Its a silly thing to break up over. And if he was using you to do all the heavy work for him and his new residence, then you're better off without him because he was treating you like a slave! Find a great plce of your own, fix it up how you like and find someone who wants a future with you instead of a maid.

  7. It sounds like you liked him more than he liked you.  I know that hurts, but it will get better after a while.  Try to go out with your friends and have fun.  Talk with your other female friends.  Rant and rave about him and how ungrateful he is and after a while it won't hurt so much.

    DO NOT worry about who will finish the rest of the work.  That's his problem.  He was using you.

  8. Well I don't know the whole story behind your relationship, but its NOT disgusting to think of moving in with him! When my husband and I were dating we moved in together after 6 months of dating. If he is canceling on you ALL the time, and now he exploded on you.. Sounds as though he may be guilty of something. And instead of facing it, it was easier to hurt your feelings and push you away. I also have no clue what your age range is.. but if the 2 of you work things out I would ask him where he plans on being in the next 5-10 years. Make sure you BOTH are on the same page and have the same wants in the future. Its pointless for women to stay with a guy who has absolutely no desires as them! The sad part is, most women do in hopes he'll change his mind. Don't waste your time on a guy who is not on the same page as you.. there are MANY other guys other there!! Never settle for less! When you settle you end up with settled results, and chances are that wont lead to happiness in the end.

    Good luck and in my opinion wanting to move in with your boyfriend is NOT disgusting!!  

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