
Is it double dipping when your taxes pay for officers salaries...?

by  |  earlier

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and they very rarely give you a break but instead ticket/cite you, which 9 x's out of 10 you pay court fees and fines. what do you do when the chief of police lies in your face? you think if you lied to your employer right to his/her face you would still have your job? do you think the reason you got let go (for ling)would hinder you from using them as a reference. Do cops lie to minorities because they assume you have no understanding of the law?




  1. Get a good lawyer and an understanding of the law  (which also includes abiding by it)...they'll wish they didn't wrongfully harass you when they do, and they lie to minorities because most minorities don't even know better, it's a sad the fact that young people and minorities don't vote.

  2. What did he lie about?

    I believe the fees you pay on a ticket goes to the city's general fund, not the cop's salary.  I've been given a break from a cop before.  If they got paid more for giving out more tickets they would give out tickets far more frequently.

  3. Go on the "ride along program" with the police, any one can, and ask for evening shift on a weekend.

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