
Is it downright wrong and disgusting for men/women aged between 30-99 to socialise with under 16 year olds ?

by  |  earlier

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Ok this is a follow up question to a question I posted a few days ago entitled :

How would you 'feel./react' to know that you gave a 'pre-16 yr old' - best answer ?

I want to know if those same people would allow their under 16 year old kids to sit down at a table at a restraunt or at a park bench with a 59 year old and 'answer questions' , if assuming that is all the 59 year old was asking.

Surely a non wise, 'immature' 59 year old perplexed at the workings of life, has that amazing entitlement then, to approach a young impressionable little kid and LEARN the answers to the universe from him/her ? yes ?

well you did say that if you posted a question and came to realise that an under 16 year old answered it in a way that warrnated 'best answer' , there was absoluely nothing wrong with pre-adults answering adults questions didnt you ?

so surely then, there is also nothing wrong with intelligent little kids congregating with clueless dingbats in their 50s, 60s or even 70s...




  1. So, does this also apply to kids doing community service in hospitals, senior centers and nursing homes?  Or doing volunteer work with any organization that is run by adults?

    Kids are not stupid today, they have a lot to offer in the way of electronic equipment from computers to cell phones.  So, it would depend on the questions.

  2. This is a very cluttered and confused question. There's a huge gulf between the Internet and real life. I think you're making a big deal out of nothing here.

  3. For the most part, I think its ok for older adults to talk to younger teens in most contexts..  The problem is in today's society, its very hard to distinguish the honest people looking for insight from the kids, and the dirty old people who have nothing honest about their intentions.

  4. There is a HUGE difference between what you asked regarding a teen best answer and what your asking now. This isn't a chat room or social forum per se. This is a question and answer site. While a 16 yr old may have the best answer to a 55 yr olds question, They are not socializing. They are not in a 1 on 1 situation at all. You also fail to take into account that many parents, aunts , uncles and grandparents do listen and learn from children. If you automatically discount what children have to say your doing both children and adults a HUGE disservice.

  5. Sometimes it is obvious that the answerer is young, but other times it is not.  By your logic, do we than force everyone to have their age either in their answer, their screen name or source?  

    I work with teenagers, and while I don't think they have the life experience I do at my age, some of them are actually pretty smart.  I wouldn't go around asking them for advice, say on my marriage, other ways they may have useful information.

  6. ye

  7. i think its fine to socialize with older people, unless, of course it goes beyond that and becomes romantic in nature.

  8. Totally wrong unless it's in an athletic or social club setting.

    IE: scouts, softball, etc

  9. wow!! apparently you are very smart for your age, I think it is good that your channeling all this energy in a positive manner, however, don't get ahead of yourself, a person is learning up till the day they die, wisdom is not infinite, good luck to you, I'm sure you'll do well in life.

  10. Unless your age is posted on here how are you supposed to know how old these people are

  11. Sometimes the purity and simplicity of a young mind is what is needed for an adult to uncomplicate a situation.  It dosen't make it wrong or invalid because the person is under 16.  If it is the best answer to your question, who cares what their age is?  I have met so many adults who are anything but mature or accomplished.

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