
Is it dumb to believe in parallel universe when you are a determinist?

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Is it contradicting?




  1. not unproveable........    unproven

  2. LOL

    I guess it would depend on how the term deterministic is to be defined.

    In a way string theory is deterministic with regard to parallel universes because in higher dimensions every possible universe that can result from the initial conditions of the beginning of our universe are but a single yet infinite point.

    If you could reach that dimension then from your perspective our all parallel universe would be determined.

    But time in that dimension would not contextually exist as it does in ours.

    Often determinism refers to a sequence of events in time in our dimension.

    On micro scales the structure of space/time is so turbulent and uncertain that order of events loses meaning.

    Raymon seems to not understand that in quantum mechanics the rules would not change for each seperate universe only the events that occur in them.

    The uncertianity princeple has unhinged absolute determism as it is woven into the very fabric of space and time this is what leads to conflicts with relativity.

    Strictly speaking you can not exist in our universal dimensions and proclaim that absolute determinism exists neither can you do so from the infinite number of possible universes that can arise from the initial conditions that started our theoretical macroverse where there is space/time.

    The only theoretical way to appeal to determinism would be from the 7nth spatial dimension or higher.

    Here is some links that will help you wrap your head around what I mean.

    I know it seems like alot of links but it is comprehensive conceptually and the analogies though counter intiutive are still relavent and illumiunating.

    I hope you watch and enjoy especially elegant universe

    Elegant universe.

  3. What is a determinist, and to believe in something like a parallel universe is not dumb it's only unprovable.

  4. No you should believe what you want!

  5. If parallel universes are identical at any one point in time, then (by determinism) they are identical for all times.  Would seem like a waste of otherwise good universes.

    It is already bad enough that the universe we are in could be spatially infinite in all directions and infinite in time in one direction (the future -- it seems to be finite towards the past).  If it turns out to have an infinite number of replicas, that would be too many infinities.

    The concept of parallel universes was made popular with the idea that every time there is a set of probable outcomes for a single event, all outcomes do occur, each one in a different universe (thereby contradicting determinism).

    However, you could rescue both IF (and only if) you could find a way to "determine" the path of your consciousness through all these divisions (i.e., how to determine the universe that we consider "ours").

    My guess (for the moment, that's all it is) is that it would be very difficult to shore up a hypothesis that deterministic parallel universes can exist.

    (In short, my answer is yes... and yes).

  6. I would say, no.... as long as you stay in this universe.

    the chain remains,

    but if you go there,

    you're on another branch of the chain which you never saw before and this new branch can branch again.

    ultimately they might all stem from the first link..... the creation of all the branches, so I guess its really a matter of perspective

    --- very deep question and my head hurts now

    4 days left till we begin to find out if other universes might be real

  7. If you are a determinist it doesn't matter what you think or believe.  You will think and believe something else in the next universe over.  With that in mind, somewhere in the multiverse of infinite possibilities, you will think all possible thoughts, and believe all possible beliefs, in all possible combinations.  You will even believe that  this is all a bunch of hogwash, in many universes.

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