
Is it dumb to urethane?

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a deck chair in my livingroom if I put a tarp down over the hardwoods? My daughter said "Mother you have gone nuts" But it is raining out so I can't do it out there. What is your take on this situation?




  1. You have to do what you have to do, it should be a well ventilated area if you are going to do it inside but it's better than getting rained on.

  2. The problem you will face is if the urethane seeps through the tarp.  And some tarps (plastic) may dissolve if too much is spilled upon them.  

    Proper ventilation is very important.  Improper ventilation can cause headaches and worse.

    Is it worth the risk of a spill? Can you not wait a few days?

  3. If you are using a one pack poly urithane, in other words you don't have to mix two parts, A & B together then you will be fine. It is quite harmless and the first coat dries quickly as it is soaked into the timber unless already sealed with some other coating, then it takes a bit longer.

    If you are using the two pack urithane then try to take it out of you living area as it can be quite nasty. That is the stuff that is used to put as glass finish on timber floors but I doubt if you would be using that.

    As I said if it is the one pack, go for it. I have used it a stack of times on timber furniture and as long as you have a bit of turps to wipe up any spills and clean yourself up afterwards you will be an expert in no time.

  4. Uh oh!  Don't you have a garage or something where you could at least be outside?  Somewhere where you could open the garage doors for ventilation?

    What's on the floor of your living room?  You might wreck it.  And you might not have enough ventilation in the house.

    Please be careful!

  5. No big deal as long as you have plenty of air to breathe. Think your daughter maybe overreacting a bit.

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