
Is it easier to become an officer if you are prior enlisted does it matter how you was discharged

by  |  earlier

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I was prior enlisted and obatined a bacholrs degree does anyone know whats the process to receive a commission? is it easier for prior enlisted. does it matter I was discharged with personality disorder?




  1. It's not any easier. You will be required to obtain a medical waiver for personality disorder. This may or may not happen. Good luck!

  2. That's great you have you Bachelors and want to serve your country as an officer... but if you can't be enlisted because of your disorder, you probably can't commission.

  3. Your English skills may be a problem...

  4. If you got an OTH, you're sol.

  5. Personality disorder will keep you from enlisting and especially keep you from commissioning.

  6. It will help your application already having military experience, but your personality disorder discharge will be the mountain you will have to climb, hands down. Do not give up, but know that someone with a Bachelors who does not have that on their record would be viewed as a much better candidate than someone who does. You will have to sell yourself in other ways, so hopefully you have been walking a straight line since, or else no commissioning for you. They are a lot less forgiving to officers in regards to this, as the military is all about leading by example.

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