
Is it easier to conceive the first month off birth control?

by Guest67098  |  earlier

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If it is easier, why would this be? I ovulated the first month off bc and now I haven't for over two months so I am wondering if it would have been easier the first month if i just timed better. Do you think it's better to just keep ttc or go back on the pill and then stop? Anyone tried this?




  1. I'm not sure it's easier, because I have nothing to compare it to, but I got pregnant the first month off! I've heard your hormones surge right when you get off, which could make it easier, but if I were you I'd try for a few months and see what happens.

  2. i have been off the pill for over a year and just found out i am 5 weeks, but have read that a lot of woman do fall pregnant straight away after stopping it, me personally wouldn't go back on it, i would just keep trying to conceive, good luck

  3. i was on the pill for 1 year and 5 months and it took me 6 months to get prego

  4. It depends. Were your cycles regular before you went on the pill or was that your reason for going on the pill?  How are you certain you were ovulating the first month you got off it? Because everyone is different, when you get off the pill it takes some women 6 months to have a regular cycle again.

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