
Is it easier to litter train a kitten or house train a puppy? and why?

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Is it easier to litter train a kitten or house train a puppy? and why?




  1. A kitten is easier to train.  It's an almost natural instinct to "go" in the sand.

  2. Kittens are "pre-wired" to hid their f***s so within a day or so, a kitten will be using a litter box without problems.  Of course, if the kitten was taken from it's mom too early, it may take a few more days.  Other than placing the kitten in it's clean litter box every so often, you don't have to do anything.

    Puppies have no concern about hiding their f***s. They potty where and when ever.  So you, the Alpha, have to teach the puppy proper potty etiquette.  How quickly the puppy learns really depends on your patience level.  

    Cats are solitary, stealthy and must hid their scent in order to catch prey and to have safe haven.  Dogs are in a pack and use that for protection and hunting.

  3. I think it would be easier to litter train a kitten

    Cats, from a very young age and just out of instinct, will always try to cover their c**p

    Most of the time, outside cats will use a specific dirt pile

    If you get a litter box, show the kitten til it knows where it is and knows to make its dirt there, and keep the box in the same place, the cat will probably always use the box

    Puppies on the other hand just go wherever they happen to be at the moment

    As far as I've come to find out

  4. It's definitely easier to litter train a kitten...I have had both cats and dogs my entire life.  With cats, you just show them the litter pan once and they go in it every time after that.  Puppy's on the other hand have to be shown every day that it's bad inside and good outside and could take several months before they finally get it and in the meantime your house smells like dog urine...yuck!!

  5. it's easier to not have pets.

  6. kitten b/c its a natural instict for the cats to go in the litter box and they are very "clean" animals anyway

  7. KITTEN.

    They get it right away. Puppies can take more than a year to finally "get it." (Though some get it right away as well.)

  8. Definitely a kitten!  Kittens are just overall easier in every way. When you want to litter train a kitten all you have to do is put them in there when you think they have to go to the bathroom and after a couple times of them using the bathroom in the litter box they will pretty much understand. A puppy you have to watch all the time to make sure he doesn't go to the bathroom inside and you have to constantly take them outside and reinforce them when they go potty outside. oh man ...cats are much easier.

  9. I think it's easier to litter train a kitten, probably because it's their instinct. My dogs took months to train before they weren't having accidents in the house. All I did for my cat was get a litter box and put her in it, she never had any accidents or anything.

  10. Litter training is easier because cats learn the first time.

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