
Is it easier to lose weight if you were fat your whole life, or...?

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...if you were never fat as a child, but gained a lot of weight when you were a teen?

I was 106 pounds and 5'0" tall the summer that I was 13, and then I was 138 pounds the next summer, and 165 pounds the next. I'm 17 years old, 5'3" and I haven't gained or lost any weight in the past two years. I want to weigh 130. Will it be hard for me to lose 30 pounds?

I gained so much weight because I was going through a hard time (parents separating) and I was just always hungry. No one was there to control what I was eating.




  1. I can definitely say take it one day at a time. Weight Watchers really helped me ALOT! Daily excersize helped alot to. If you want this, you really can have it :) Good luck hun >3

  2. I think that it might be easier to lose weight if you suddenly gained weight. If you have been overweight your entire life and while eating a reasonable amount, then it is genetics. Some people have a lower Basal Metabolic Rate than others meaning that their body's own ability to burn calories is low thus the extra calories consumed are turned into fat. Some people who have higher Basal Metabolic Rate are skinnier because they tend to burn more calories than they consume. If you suddenly gain weight when you have been fit your entire life, it is likely that you consumed a high amount of calories during that lifespan and if you burn extra calories by exercising and go back to a reasonable diet, then it is very likely you will lose weight and eventually go back to the way you were. However, if you are genetically lower in BMR, then you might have trouble losing weight since you will have to not only exercise more but also cut back on diet even if you are eating a reasonable amount. So from what you have said, it seems like that you have been overconsuming during the specific lifespan that was difficult for you. I suggest exercising and eating a healthy diet to return to your original form. Try to avoid any supplements and stick to exercise. It not easy I can tell you that, I was overweight all my life probably because of me overeating and not genetically, but I have lost 25 pounds by exercising and sticking to a healthy diet so if I can do it, so can you. :)

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