
Is it easier (waltz jump question)?

by Guest60903  |  earlier

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is it easier to keep your balance when landing if you do it stand still, any tips for it? Im going to try it on the weekend and im really scared of falling !




  1. If you're doing it for the first time, first try it from a standstill on a wall, then from a standstill without a wall, and finally from backward crossovers.

    For me, it's easier to do it from crossovers, but that's probably only because I haven't done it from a standstill in a few years.

  2. I was thinking you are asking if it's easier to do a waltz jump from a stand still or from an edge? When you're learning, it's easiest to start from a stand still.  It's okay if it's more like a waltz "step" at first.  Like any jump, confidence is what will get you to leave the ice and you just have to start at the bottom until you get the feel for it.  Then you'll find it's easier to be moving because it's always easier to balance with some momentum.

    You can definitely practice them off-ice for confidence and to get the feel of your arms and the kick.  Good luck!

  3. I think you need to be moving a) to get momentum up for the jump and b) to keep your balance on landing.   Its sort of gyroscopic in theory.  A gyroscope only falls over when it slows down as long as it is in  fast motion it stays upright.

  4. its easier to do a walz jump when ur moving in my opinion.

  5. Practice your waltz jump standing still first.  When you're more confident in taking off and landing, then add crossovers.  I think it's easier to hold a landing position while moving.  Don't be afraid of falling.  A fear of falling will just hold you back.  You can do it.  Good luck!

  6. dont be scared u loser!  a waltz jump is really easy.  im a hockey player and i can do a waltz jump on figure skates.  plus, i dont really see how u can do a waltz jump standing still.

  7. I always pratice my jumps on land before I do it on ice. They are very diferent things but if you can master the movements on land, then it is much easier on ice. I'm not sure what you mean when you say "from a stand still," so I'm guessing... does this mean on land (if so then I've already answered your question) or does it mean without the back cross overs? I find it easier to do the jump with the cross over because I get more speed and power that way. When you are first learning it it is better to do it from the forward outside edge without the cross overs.

    Afraid of falling? If you are going to attempt a waltz jump for the first time you need to expect falling. Never fall=never learn. By falling you can know what areas you need to improve upon, so falling actually helps you learn! Yes, it will hurt, but the hurt is only temporary. Have fun and Good Luck!

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