
Is it easy being a man?

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Is it easy being a man?




  1. I wouldn't know. but I'd guess it is easier than being a woman

  2. Well, there are relatively easy things about being a man, and some things that are harder.  For example internet dating is harder because there's always a hundred other guys out there looking for the same nice girl online.  Plus, if you're not athletic, then being a guy is probably pretty tough (can't really say too much on this, though).  If you're not comfortable enough to take the initiative and approach girls (or even answer girls with something more than monosyllabic answers), then that can make things really, really tough in the love department, and some guys never get over this obstacle.

    However, as far as maintenance is concerned, then being a guy is a lot easier, as we usually require less preparation in the morning, no makeup, no monthly ...stuff, and usually only a t-shirt and jeans for fashion options (which can be a real bummer sometimes too, as stores usually see this, and so most men's sections in stores are very boring and uncreative).

  3. I find it one of the hardest things I do, but unfortunately I have to do it

  4. Not for me. Took care of that problem years ago

  5. Sure is!


  6. yeah

  7. nothing good ever comes easy.

    being a woman is hard too we all have our own issues and problems to deal with.

    knowing GOD and the truth makes life make sense and gives us a purpose.

  8. it is not easy being a man. being a leader, seeking livelihood, motivate family, taking care of wife and children etc.

    but chances of women entering paradise are greater. because they sacrifice a lot and being the mother to all the hero in the world. If a child betraying his parents especially mother, then he will be punished in h**l except he repent, or his mother forgive him.

  9. Being a white man helps. Yup top of the food chain here.

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