
Is it easy for an American to move to Mexico?

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I have heard that people can live in Mexico ,and rent a small house,have a woman do housework etc. I am talking about a place near one of the resort places like Acupulco or the Yucatan. Can you do it on eleven hundred a month?




  1. I do more or less what you are asking about but you may have to rent an apartment before you find this 'perfect little house'. Not only does it take time but you may not like what you find.

    To retire here (with a visa) you need an income of about $1250 a month.  Thats more than many need but still the government requirements

  2. I barely squeak by on my social security check and have a small cottage on my property that I rent for extra$. The gringo enclaves are expensive, Mexico wants the affluent to move in and the poor retirees to move out. No more funky trailers and beach shacks of 30 years ago. Find a small village, speak Spanish and you might be able live like your neighbors.

  3. Yes you can. I have clients that do it all the time. I am not saying you can live here in Mazatlan in the lap of luxury, but it can be done. To get further input, join a forum where you can ask many people and get many responses. I am including a link to Mazinfo which is the oldest and largest web forum in Mazatlan with about 2600 members.

  4. sorta you have get the gas dudes and get ur id  it depends on where you live

  5. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you have heard WRONG.

    The physical moving part is easy. Now you will need to get a visa that allows you to live full time in Mexico. Easy also if you meet the requirements.

    $1100 a month income is cutting it pretty short for the visa qualifications. I am not sure what the exact amount is but you can easily find out.

    You will have to provide income statements to the Immigration office to prove this income.

    The days of "cheap" Mexico are over!!

    A rental house in a tourist/resort area like you mentioned are not going to be dirt cheap.

    I am sure the rent alone will eat up half of your monthly income, if not more.

    And you  have not even bought one taco yet......

    A lady to do your housework is going to cost you $20/30 USD each time.

    Rent and a housekeeper have now eaten into over half your income and still no tacos.

    Food, utilities, health care, transport, entertainment and "incidentals" will leave you with a few pesos left over.....maybe!!!

    Bottom line.....your a little short on the income to do this comfortably and live like a "gringo"

    You could do it on your income if you stay away from resort/tourist areas and settle for some town in the interior of Mexico.....but along either's just not doable.

  6. I don´t think you can pay a maid with 1100.

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