
Is it easy to become an english teacher in China and what are the required studies?

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Is it easy to become an english teacher in China and what are the required studies?




  1. very easy, there are many places in Asia that are doable for anyone with a Bachelors degree. Such as Japan or Taiwan. Some places require or prefer an English degree, you don;t need a teaching degree but it helps and gets you a better job with better pay. China does not require an English degree just a 4 year degree in anything.

    Many schools are private afterschool tutoring but a whole class full of kids. If you look you should be able to find normal public school positions, these may or may not be better but are still available to the uncertified teacher in China and will insure normal morning to afternoon hours as it's a public school.

    It's very easy, you should be careful who you work for so you don't get taken advantage of too much. Someone will be making money off of you. Just don't work more than 5 days a week. Either Normal hours at ONE school or afternoons private conversational classes. If they mention anything about extra hours or days in the interview tell them no way, you might still get the job anyway and they'll know that they can't pile classes on you.

    Depending where you are and what they expect teaching can be boring half the time. See Jane run. (class repeats) But it's what you make of it and your chance to be creative and bring some lessons and excitement to the classroom . See for lessons links and jobs.

    If you want to study for it that's great, actual english teacher skills or degree is great. There is a masters degree in TOEFL Teacher of English as  a Foriegn Language, there are also lesser TOESL certificates and CELTS certificates. Things like that especially the masters degree will get you work all over the world. Even south America and Africa require TOESL or CELTS, and of course most of Europe requires a masters in teaching just like the US. China is the highest demand and easiest in. Taiwan, South Korea and Japan are close behind. Japan is nice but much of the English Tutoring is corporate, tightly controlled, interview office in Manhattan, lots of support and company books and materials. Assuming you want to have your suit and play ball have support and security, these mega English teaching corporations in Japan might be good for you. China is much looser, many things happen personally, you will be in any random school with any random principal. Maybe there's a book maybe there isn't, you don't know what you'll get.

    You can email me with questions i was there once.

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