
Is it easy to buy summer duvets in Spain? (Costa Daurada area)?

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I know that I'll only be given sheets and blankets when I rep there and I can't be doing with that for six months! Is it easy to buy a duvet over there (and covers) and not realllllly expensive? As for saying I won't need one, I really will....I always use them in the summer.




  1. You will be far too hot to consider using a summer quilt or any thing, you obviously don't have any idea just how hot the nights are. But if you insist, this is not the end of the earth, we are quite civillised here, we have beds now, with all the sheets you can buy, but...the shops will won't stock what they sell, and when the hot weather begins, all you'll find are sheet sets, not quilts

  2. Costa DORADA, you mean.

    With temperatures there going into 41 centig. in July/August, forget about the duvet. However, if you're lucky to find one (try Gigante Supermarket chain) they'll be Euros30.

    temperatures at the moment are definitely cool - 10 at night, 24 during the day...but, remember, they hit all time highs in a couple a months

  3. Nadisha is right - it's spelt Dorada (Spanish word for golden).  I think you'll find if it is being spelt Daurada, it's wrong as well.  No such word in Spanish.

    As for buying duvets - it will be difficult to find them on sale in the summer.  Can't imagine anyone needing one at that time of year anyway.

    Hope you enjoy your stay.

  4. Try CARREFOUR. Big chain. You are likelky to find 1 there. Honestly I have a holiday home in spain and have been going for the last 12 yrs. It will be very hot. I tend to sleep in the nude !

  5. We've never had a problem. You will find them easily.

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