
Is it easy to find a job in bournemouth?

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I would like to study for eight months in that beautiful city, but i want to find a part time job first, I would be available since 1 00 or 2 00 in the afternoon , so I need some information about the stipend per hour and how much would cost my accommodation there per month? thanks




  1. Get the local Daily Echo-tells you everyting re jobs etc.. Accomodation varies from 20 pounds per week to four hundred. Salary is from 6.50 per hour to 50 per hour,

  2. It is easy to find a list of hotels in Bournemouth from their tourist information site or Send a personal letter (not an email) to the biggest 20 hotels detailing your situation, expressing a desire to work HARD (it's mostly cleaning, painting etc) and that you need a small room which you would pay for from your wages.

    If you are too demanding, or not able to work hard, then a hotel is not for you. Take note, it is HARD work.

  3. There are a lot of Hotels and Restaurants in Bournemouth, so a lot of opportunities for part time work.   The other place to try might be the council - jobs at the many locations like The Pavilion or the BIC.

    I definitely recommend the Bournemouth Echo and maybe Craigslist too.  Link to the Bournemouth Echo below

  4. Get a Mcjob they got plenty of jobs and they are always looking for staff in hotels. Wages minimum rates and Accommodation is expensive, some colleges and language schools have there own units.

  5. Like any seaside town, there is always a need for hotel, kitchen, waiting and bar staff, and jobs in those fields are very easy to come by. As for accommodation, try and get hold of the local papers which always advertise cheap flats, and bedsits.

    If it's anything like Cornwall, don't expect too much more than the minimum wage. They always say tourism is good for the economy, but the only people who benefit are the rich hotelliers, and restaurant owners. People on the bottom rung of the ladder get the bare minimum.

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