
Is it easy to find work in cartagena or murcia??

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my parents live in murcia (in a small spanish village) 15 minutes from Cartagena. I am planning to move out there and was wondering if anyone knows how easy it is to get a job out there, say in Cartagena. I am a personal trainer and would like to follow this industry but at the moment do not speak any spanish. Has anyone got any information or pointers for me. Any feedback would be greatful, thanks!!!




  1. The area around Cartagena has a high population of Brits. Finding work may not be easy, but you may have to take on bar work until you can find a job in a gym somewhere. I do know that area but I live further south in Málaga. The prospect of coming here and finding work certainly wouldn't be easy. Unemployment is on the increase here and I doubt you'll find a Spanish Employer, certainly not speaking the language. The building industry has slowed down and there are many out of work because of that.

    Because your parents live here would that mean you would stay with them. If not then you may need to bring money from the UK to get started. The pound is falling against the Euro, so you'll get less Euros for your Pounds. Everything will pick up again but it may be another 5 - 7 years.

    Good luck if you try to come here. It's a fantastic place to live, but if you do come try and integrate with the local people, learn the language and you will eventually benefit by it.

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