
Is it easy to get work in the Canary Islands?

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Is it easy to get work in the Canary Islands?




  1. The Canary Islands are really struggling at the moment and it's actually very difficult to get a job. I lived in Lanzarote for 2 years, been back in Uk for 3 years now. We often go there for holidays and our friends/family who are still living there are saying how quiet it is. Also, when jobs do become available someone working there already usually knows someone looking for work, so its even harder for the "newbies" on the island.

    If you have savings and can afford to live without an income and are patient then you would get work at some point. But it's a case of constantly asking around, there's no job centre or newspaper advertising.

    It's the best thing I ever did and I would love to go back to Lanzarote. But it's not as easy as people say but I would still recommend it! Do your research, plan ahead, find out whens the best time to go etc... and you'll have a better chance.

  2. We went to the Canary Isles last year and the Spanish seem to be struggling.

    We went last year at Christmas.The weather was great but the the Island was empty. ( Gran Canaria ). It's not cheap as the Euro is rounded up.There are other destinations far cheaper so I think people are staying away.

  3. Work is always available.... just depends on what you are willing to do and for how much...

    Check this out for a guide to working here:

  4. Usually it is i worked in bar's in Lanzarote it is long hours and hard work that's why bar staff don't have sun tans if your not working your sleeping

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