
Is it easy to imgrate to France? I'm from the USA.?

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I really want to move to France. I can't speak French but I can speak English, Chinese, and Vietnamese. I guess there would be at lease one community in France that speaks one of the languages.

I was wondering would the French government let me live in France. Is there a process that I need to go through in order for me to live there?




  1. our new president mister Sarkosy have a special immigration politic he call that "the choosen immigration"

    but with an us citizen i think you will have no many problem

  2. it depends on what you offer.

    To immigrate (and be quickly allowed to stay and live here) you need a visa. a long-stay visa

    either student, or "salarié "(worker) or scientist.

    if you have qualifications in certain kind of work, we (the government) will welcome you and give you a card. if not, it will be hard.

  3. ask Johnny Depp.... he did it.

  4. yes just phone up the french emberce

  5. move to the uk its easier and you can speak the lingo . well basically and its near france . move by the borders of france so you can visit anytime you want anyday quicker. etc.

  6. I have heard that it is a bit difficult for American citizens to up and move to France. You have to have a job first, proof of income and somewhere to live. You should try and establish all of this before you go and apply for immigration.  Also, you should try and learn a little French before you go. A lot of people speak English in France, but it is very respectful to speak their language. If you go to a small town, most of the people are not going to speak English. So learn a little French, find a job and a place to live and you should be okay.

  7. lol i don't know why you ask this on here

  8. bye

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