
Is it easy to travel one-way to mexico?

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I want to go to Puerto Vallarta on a one way ticket becuase I plan to find a job once I'm there. Will they let me into the country on a one-way ticket? Or do I have to have some proof of when I plan to go home?




  1. You probably won't be able to get into the country.  You will have to show proof of onward travel. And what type of job were you thinking, assuming it will be under the table work...that might be tricky too. Your best bet might be to try a volunteer program (sometimes up to a year) student, or working holiday type thing. Once you have been there for a while it might be find out how to stay.

  2. There is no problem with a one way ticket.  If an airline will sell one one - nobody else checks.

    Be sure to ask for a 180 day visa at immigration before he gives you 30 days ... because your job search may be long

  3. You can come to Mexico on a one way ticket, but getting a job is something else.  You must have a work visa to work in Mexico.  You must find an employer BEFORE you can get a work visa...and the employer must write a letter to immigration saying he will hire you and caanot find a Mexican national for that job.  He must sponser you for a work visa.  Nobody is going to do this for a low skiiled job.  you need to have a job skill that is very much needed in Mexico.  All this takes time, money, patience.  then even if you do get a job it will pay FAR less than a job in the U.S.  teachers in Mexico make about $400.00 a month, as do nurses...imagine what someone working in a hotel makes.  (If low skilled, good paying jobs were plentiful here, people would not be leaving to work in the U.S. ) Unless you have a specific job offer from someone who will sponser your work visa, and plenty to live on while you wait for that and know for a fact that you will be able to live on what you are paid, tne do not plan on working in Mexico.

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