
Is it enough for the YOUNG and AMAZING Cole Hamels??

by  |  earlier

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12 team, keeper league

This guy is really pushing to get Cole Hamels and I am trying to squeeze as much out of him as I can. He said that he has reached his limit so the trade stands right now at...

I get

Matt Garza

Ervin Santana

B.J. Ryan

Andre Ethier

I give

Cole Hamels

Randy Winn

My starting rotation with Hamels is

Hamels, Carmona, Bucholz, Wakefield, Matsuzaka, Hudson, Lohse, Weaver, Valverde, Lyon, Edwin Jackson

If I did the trade my rotation would be

Carmona,Ervin Santana,Garza,Lohse,Hudson,Matsuzaka,

Wakefield, Bucholz,Weaver, Ryan, Valverde, Lyon




  1. You would definetly make out in the trade. However, how is your lineup? Your staff keeping hamels is already pretty good. If hitting is a weak spot i would see if you can replace garza or bj ryan with a position player that has a big bat.

    garza has proven he has a lot of upside, ervin has found his stride after a rough year last year. I don't think either are just one year wonders because they have produced in the past.

    Lastly, Carmona is finally coming off the DL, he may struggle his first start or 2, but should be good for you down the stretch lessining your need for hamles.

    I disagree with the guy above, Hamles has had good years already and i feel people can now know what to expect out of him

    ***New-Hudson just got hurt, hurting your rotation. With Hudson down and Bucholz sucking, a 2 for one exchange with starting pitching is even more beneficial to you now. this trade seems like a steal

  2. it's a good trade although you don't really need garza. but he is better than buckholz. bj ryan gives you another needed closer, and ervin santana pretty much cancels out cole hamels. in my opinion, ervin has been the best santana this year. he has more wins than johan, and their eras are similar. ethier seems to be a better option than winn. you win in this trade by far.

  3. I would keep Hamel's.  This is his first good year and he will just keep getting better.  He will be the next Santana the first pitcher selected in a normal draft.  Santana is just having a good year, and I don't think he will keep it up in the following years.

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