
Is it ethical to download music if i then give the cost of the music to charity?

by  |  earlier

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Is it ethical to download music if i then give the cost of the music to charity?




  1. No.  If I stole your car and then gave its price to the Red Cross, it wouldn't make my stealing any less wrong. You have no ethical right to make a contribution with fruits of the musicians'/writer's/recording engineer's work.

  2. no - that would be like stealing from a bank, giving it to a church, and then being shocked when you got arrested!!!

  3. Well stealing isnt right, but if you want another way to donate...

    You can also help out free if you have a myspace,

    theres a great website called socialvibe. You can choose a charity & sponsor, as people view your page you earn points which inturn gives money to your charity. Thats it, and its all free to you. There are many ways to earn points for your charity :] it all starts with a look.

    So check it out in your spare time.

    Thanks for your question,


  4. My Dear, if your boss decided to give your paycheck to the March of Dimes, s/he would be wrong to do so. You are denying a musician a paycheck for work performed and rights owned. It is the same principle.

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