
Is it ethical to put steamed veggies in peoples food w/out telling them?

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I watched a t.v. show (Oprah) and she had a nutritionist who put steamed veggies into chocolate cake to give children their daily portion of veggies. What if someone is allergic to certain veggies and the cook doesn't know it.




  1. Do you know the exact ingredients of everything you eat in a restaurant?  

    If someones coming to my house and I'm cooking for them I always ask and I'm careful to accommodate their allergies and dietary needs. That doesn't mean I tell them every ingredient unless they're interested, but I certianly wouldn't "trick" them or lie.

    And yes, people can be allergic to fruits and vegetables.

  2. This is a good way to get children to eat fruit and veg.

    It is not possible to be allergic to vegetables - you may not like them, but not allergic.



  3. Yes, it is true that you actually can be allergic to veggies and fruits too, but if it's your child, then you would be aware of any allergens. I can see both sides...I wouldn't sneak fruits/veggies into my kids meals. I believe that kids need to learn to try new things and enjoy new foods. They aren't going to do that if they aren't given the opportunity. But...that said, a real picky eater may not get all their nutrients, so I see nothing wrong with adding pureed/shredded carrots to spaghetti sauce if it gets them the vitamins they need.

  4. (ear to the ground) hmmm.. big chief hear the sound of happy foot thumping...hmmm.. sound like that of happy lawyers.. big chief sense law suit....

  5. You could say the same about any dish. Unless the cook knows what people are allergic to the same could happen.

    My argument against this would be that I don't want to trick my child into eating vegetables as I'd prefer to teach him good eating habits so that he won't imediately die of malnutrition as soon as he leaves home!

    It seems to defeat the object if you trick a child into eating healthily! What is that teaching them?

  6. I think that if you are a parent and you are trying to get your child to eat more vegetable then yes it is acceptable. I don't think it is acceptable to do it to adults though as they should be able to think for themselves and make their own decisions.

  7. You'd have to know the person wouldn't you....So you'd know if there were any allergies...If there are no allergies, what's wrong with this?

    I knew someone that used to put lots of veggies their kids would never eat into soup (while making it) & then strain the veggies out of it before serving ~ Worked like a charm, only time it didn't was when she put carrot into chicken noodle soup one time, the karitane turned the soup an orange colour & the kids wouldn't touch it. Apart from that one time, kids ate their soup everytime, choc full of veggie goodness & they never knew it....Sometimes with fussy eaters, you've just gotta be sneaky.

  8. This is the UK/I site, and if that "nutritionist" from America started spouting that rubbish over here he/she'd be having big trouble from the children's welfare services on the grounds that they're interfering with the children's "human rights" or some such nonsense from the do-gooders ! ! !

  9. ok i saw that episode and she wasnt recomending you to put steamed veggies in random peoples foods. She was saying put it in your kids food. And if your a good mom, then you should know what your kids are allergic too.

  10. An ethical issue is feeding Jews pork sausages without telling them or a schoolteacher having it off with one of his/her pupils, not about hiding vegetables in the chocolate cake. I think you are being slightly alarmist or over-reacting I know that nut allergies are quite common and so is an intolerance to dairy produce, and even wheatgerm from flour can cause problems to people with breathing difficulties, fish esp. shellfish are notorious, but in the normal course of events with just normal vegetables it is so unlikely, and even if it was then I think someone in that situation would make it known - " Seriously, I am liable to die if you give me cabbage!".  If it was a child then the mother would have to be some kind of moron if she sent her child off to someone who was going to feed him/her without telling them that the child had a serious dietary issue. People have problems enough trying to get their kids to eat any greens without creating more difficulties, and we are getting so paranoid about everything, " Oh lets not do that because there is a one in a million chance that something could go wrong".

  11. Nothing wrong with it at all! Good way to get anyone to eat their veggies. I didn't know you could be allergic to veggies. But that could be the case with any food. What's in all the fast food some people feed their children? I'd rather they eat the choc cake with veggies in it unless their allergic to chocolate

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