
Is it even possible for the Dems to become more despicable than their behavior displayed since the selection ?

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of Sarah Palin?

They will ruin the life and future of the daughter just to get her mother to drop out. If Sarah drops out, the guilt of forcing her mother to do so will follow her forever.

The Dems know they can not win the election if Palin stays on the ticket.

The life of a 17 year old girl is nothing in their minds.

Is it their lack of a moral base?




  1. She won't drop out, she is tough and ignors ignorant people.  and puts them in their place.  Libs are just angry cause they are too lazy to raise babies and prefer to kill them thru abortion, its a venting inside anger issue-jealous that the Palins have more strength and morals.

  2. Bristol even told her Mother that she does not want to be the reason her mother doesn't run, that would bother her more than the rumors.  I'm sure no one expected all the vile venom spewing from their heartless disgusting sub human mouths.  I am embarrassed for my country today,   a bunch of sick depraved monsters!!!!!!

  3. LOL, you republicans are so d**n sensitive.  Grow a set, stand up and fight back if you don't like it.  Palin has given Obama a strategic advantage in getting independent if you think Dems can't are dreaming.  

    And the reason you see all of us fired up about Palin is because we are HAPPY.  It is like a predator that smells blood...there is no stopping them then.  Palin = easy prey and we will not let her out of our grasp.  IF she drops out, it is her own fault for walking blindly into something she is not ready for.  Any guilt there is should be on her shoulders for HER actions dragging her daughters into the spotlight and smearing her name.  Good job Mom.

  4. Are you talking bout Obama's response that he would fire anyone on his campaign that talked negatively about the situation?

    Or are you talking about the genuine disgust of everyday voters who see the blatant MORAL failure of Sarah Palin's personal lifestyle and political standpoints?

  5. This coming from people who attacked Obama and his wife, claiming family is fair game when you run for the highest political offices in the USA. So, they arent attacking Palin's daughter, but it's quite obvious when a woman who touts abstinence only winds up having a pregnant underage daughter it would NOT be overlooked.  

  6. Here's the deal with me. Did the democratic congress Ever do ANYTHING about the s*x that is broadcast into the HOMES of Americans  every moment of every day  from the television and movies.? Did they forget the desperate housewives ,the soaps and the Victoria Secret commercials.? absolutely NOT ! "The double standard  of the democratic party  has reached a new LOW1"

    If Hillary could not control BiLL why do they slam the parents of a child. Bad Decision?  Absolute DESPERATION:! ?

  7. Any Republican who says something like this has be to among the most hypocritical people in the world. Didn't Obama spend some 2 years listening to a ton of c**p much worse?

  8. "The Dems Behavior" What did the Dems do? She got herself pregnant and her parents announced it to everyone in a press conference on their own because they knew she couldn't hide it for too long. Obama has actually asked the press to leave Palin's children alone. So why are you making up things? "Lack of a moral base?" Is it moral to tell everyone to raise their children a certain way when you can't even do it?

  9. Ummmm... who is trying to force Governor Palin out by harassing her daughter?

    Honestly, I'm perfectly happy that Palin is the VP pick because I do not believe that McCain can win with her on the ticket.

    Also, how about you stop generalizing and grouping all democrats together? After all, Obama explicitly told the media to leave Bristol alone and I have not seen a single political analyst who is a democrat attack or harass Bristol in any way.

  10. lol

    You can't be serious! After swiftboating John Kerry, after smearing Max Cleland, who lost three limbs in Vietnam, the Republicans have alot of gumption complaining because poor little Sarah Palin's getting a mildly hard time. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.  

  11. If Obama's daughters were attacked, the Dems, the media, and all liberals would be screaming to the high heavens.

  12. Squarely the blame is on the judgment of McCain for not vetting properly and allowing discore to flourish within his own party.

  13. Well they certainly are making themselves look bad. They are saying Palin is a lousy mother........any of us who raised teenagers know that kids will do what they do sometimes ....even if you have taught them differently. I think the base here is mostly young people who only have opinions, not experiences to know that life is not always black and white.

  14. We didn't put her in the political spotlight - her mother did.

  15. Somebody should have done some research before they chose their VP. Now, it's too late. Is this the kind of judgement we can expect from McCain as President?

  16. THESE PIGS..will stop at nothing to get their way...bash anyone, ANY CHILD, they will do anything. Even their leader Obama has URGED them to stop this c**p in the most URGENT tone...they don't care, and this will come back on these people

  17. They get more desperate by the day. There is no bounds to their wickedness.

  18. What goes around comes around eh?  Are you just now learning that?

  19. no they finally got a target they can ruin is all i pity the poor kid but i trust it was something she told her mother she can take because i trust she was warned these attack would occur before gov palin accepted the job

    anyone who has followed obamas career knows how ugly a campaign with him gets

  20. Sara Palin isruining the life of her daughter not the Dems

  21. Why isn't Bidens 5 deferments from serving in Vietnam a bigger story than Sarah Palin's children? The left has no moral base at all. They would flip-out if the right attacked Obama Bidens children. What a bunch of hippocrates. Vote for Dem's and this is the despicable tack you will see for years to come. If you think the Clinton machine was good at attacking people that opposed them? wait to see what the Move On people will do.

  22. Ain't payback a b***h?


  24. They've questioned her credentials, the same as Republicans have done with Obama. A few blogs have brought of the scandals in a negative light, but most liberals say Bristol's pregnancy has no affect on politics and shouldn't be used as an attack. Before you go off on liberals, look around and see what the majority thinks.  

  25. Look at it this way.  Palin accepted knowing that her daughter was pregnant, and the media attention that would bring.

  26. This is typical liberal behavior.

    Kind of like the way the left treated Paula Jones, Katherine Harris, Kathleen Wiley, or Linda Tripp.  

  27. Lack of moral base?... It's funny now that the tables are turned, You republicans have "morals". Oh please... Her mother put her in the spotlight. She even has crazy myspace pics of her kissing girls and drinking all over the net. You call that morals?

  28. Well what do you expect most of them are college kids they they enjoy humiliating other people. Why else would they ask such pointless questions?  

  29. Rant on baby!!! OBAMA/BIDEN 2008!!!! :)  

  30. I noticed tha Obama made is "off-limits" statement AFTER his leaders started the rumor that Bristol was her little briother's biological mother, hinted at incest, and went to far as to doctor up old photos of the Palin family.

    By telling the hard truth, Palin and McCain exposed just how low the Obama team will go to make life difficult for their opponents. Obama's team said nasty things about the daughter AND the infant. That is snake-belly low. Funny when you consider that Obama says he is the candidate above such lowly operations.

  31. WTF are you talking about?  Who is ruining this girl's life?  No one would even know who the heck she was if her mom didn't bring her out on the stage.

    I'm not seeing any reports in the media denouncing the girl.  Maybe you should stop watching FNN and turn to a real news station that doesn't make stuff up (no spin zone my ***).

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