
Is it even possible to memba stuff from ur txtbks while still having sumwhat "fun" while studying?

by  |  earlier

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tired, got 3 million tests in the future and im not stuffed to study every single word in da txtbk and memba it off by heart coz theres no point coz i forget it afterwards and nobody say put it into a song coz i've tried dat and i wasn't even bothered to memorise the song! lol. i'm a lazy a*****e so anyone wif suggestions dat don't involve having to memba anything, plz tell me coz i'm desparate!




  1. This worked years ago when my college was Playboy's party school of the nation. You can party if you study smart.

    d/c the computer, put on your favorite music and study.

    Test time?

    Make flash cards. Question on one side and answer on  the other. Memorize the  Q then the  A.

    Memorize the A then the Q.

    Learn it frontwards and backwards.

    Instructors often have past tests on file somewhere in a library, Ask them for exam examples.

    Model your flash cards on their past exam questions.

    Get a jerk of an instructor whose exam question is ,"Why?"

    The answer is,  "Why Not."

  2. You poor soul.  I can tell you are exhausted because you can't even write coherently.  

    You'll have more time to study if you get off the Internet.

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