
Is it even possible to understand the minds of Town Hall officials?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Not really.

  2. No. They are automatons. Robots. Cogs in a machine. The sort of characters who would gladly exterminate people purely because they were told to do so.

  3. Yes it is possible in some cases, answer is.they are there to get their own way, and help anyone else to who they are friendly  with.

      I had a taste of this some time ago, I was developing a project on some crown land I was leasing.

       The project was considerably developed when my wife became ill, due to this, the part of the development that was working was no longer operating, during her illness an estate agent visited the business and asked if I knew of any delicatessens in the neighborhood that were for sale.

       I told him that I was not aware of any, and he asked me whether I would be prepared to sell what I had developed.

       I had to leave a lot of the arrangements to my wife, so I went to her room to ask her if she was in favour, she said NO, so I went and told him the answer.

        She recovered and  things got back on track for a while, but became ill again, and due to the length of time she was ill in bed I made the decision to call up the agent who had approached me, he came to see me and asked what the approximate value I would put on it.

        When I told him he thought it was more than his client had in mind.

        When his client came and saw me he asked me for the lease agreement and went to the council officers to ask if he could take over the project, and despite the fact that he had experience in the business that we were developing, and had more than enough finance to complete it, was refused, he  was told by the council staff that he was not a suitable person, he told us that if he wished, he could take on the shire and get the decision overturned, but was not in the mind to, and added that the true value would be $20,000, more than my asking price,

        We asked for an appointment with the shire clerk to find out what could be done to bring the transaction to a close, and was told that it was an illegal deal because this was crown land, and the value had to be determined by the government, and that would take about 3 months.

        During this time I closed the business down and went back to work, one day I received a note from the shire council that they had an offer, it was in the region of 1/2 what the value was, so refused it.

        Months later we were visited by a young government employee who had been told by the shire staff that it was urgent that the valution be be given to them within 2 days, we were contacted by him one day and he said he was confused by what he had to achieve in the time he had as he had never done this before, and my wife asked if our valuation would help him, and we found his was similar to ours.

        To cut a very long story short the shire council took 10 months of uncertainty and strain for us before the released the hold on our throats, it is no problem understanding the town hall officials.

        PS.  Later the shire officials were sacked due to "Mismanagement".

  4. this family had been in dispute with the council for ages, this was not an isolated incident, this was the last straw.  you only had to be listening to the story for ten seconds to realise that.  this was so a non news story that was tried to be portrayed as something else.

  5. No!

  6. NO!

    They seem to have a degree in STUPIDITY!

  7. They have minds? new one on me.!

  8. They have built a fantasy whereby we are customers and choose to ignore the fact that we are their employers.

  9. That there interests are not the publics .

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