
Is it ever acceptable for a nanny to bring her pet dog to work without asking permission first?

by Guest60054  |  earlier

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Nanny brought her pet dog to work on her second day of employment without asking our permission first. We are appalled and have never given her any reason, implied or explicit, to believe that this would ever be acceptable.




  1. HECK NO! Is she crazy or somthing, speak on it asap or fire her

  2. No, I don't believe this is acceptable. The only time a person doesn't need permission to bring their dog somewhere is if it's a service dog... which shouldn't be the case if this person is caring for your child.

  3. That is completely unacceptable.

    I own my own daycare business, but before that I was a nanny for 4 years.  When you are a nanny, you work in someone else's home.  It is absolutely NOT okay for your nanny to bring anything living (pets, another human, etc) into your home without your prior permission.  What she did is extremely disrespectful and shows that she isn't going to respect your home or your rules.

    I would sit her down and explain that you feel it was inappropriate for her to bring her pet to work.  Tell her that her dog is not welcome in your home, and that from now on if she wishes to do something not previously discussed in her job description that she needs to ask permission first.

    And if she continues to show any sort of disrespect, I'd fire her.  Nothing is more important than your children, and if she's not respecting your rules then she probably isn't very good for your kids.

    Good luck!

  4. To simply answer your question, it's absolutely not acceptable.  And here's why...

    Upon hiring your nanny, you stated that you sat down with her on her very first day and covered expectations/guidelines in painful detail and then continued to ask her if she had any questions or concerns.  At that very moment she should have asked what your thoughts would be about her bringing her dog to your house with her.  If the dog was not sick until after her first day, she should have brought it up to you when it became a concern of hers to again feel out what your thoughts would be.  

    Here's the kicker, when you hire a nanny, you are hiring someone who can give devoted time, energy and a structured environment to your children.  How are you supposed to feel secure knowing that is being followed through if your nanny has her sick dog at your house and all of her concentration is on the dog?  

    This is what I would do and how I would approach it.  At the end of her day, I would ask her to sit down with me so we can have a discussion.  I would sympathize with her about her sick dog and tell her that I'm really hoping the best for her pet.  I would then go back over in detail what was discussed upon hiring her and make it very clear to her that my child comes first when it comes to this position.  I would suggest that maybe she get a family member to watch after the pet while working or even take it to the vet to get proper care.  But at that moment, I would say it loud and clear that the dog can not come back.  Not only is it taking away attention from my child, but it could have some type of infection or something unknown that my child could catch.  

    Read her body language and if what you're telling her is unwelcome, then you should probably let her go because that's being very disrespectful to you as her employer.

    Next, because this is your second nanny, I would from now on work through a nanny agency.  They're very common and you should be able to find agencies in your area.  The best part about going through an agency, they do all the dirty work for you when it comes to background checks and references.  Another plus, agencies do charge a finders fee for placing nannies but the fee is 100% refundable if you contact them within 30-60 days of hiring the nanny to say your not happy with the nanny.  So to avoid refunding, the majority of agencies will do their best to place the best.

    Hope that was helpful!

    Nanny Annie

  5. No, it is not acceptable at all. She's working. You can't just bring your pets to work.

    I love dogs, I have two of them, and I actually like them more than I like little kids, but even I consider bringing your pet to work very unprofessional.

  6. She definitely should've asked.

    If you don't like her bringing her dog, make it clear to her. You're paying her to be a nanny, so she should do what you tell her.

  7. she should have asked you about it first that is completely unacceptable

  8. NO; it is NOT acceptable.

    The ONLY excuse would be for an EXTREME emergency like spraying for bugs ect at her place ....

    You need to sit down with her and have a Discussion and lay out the cans and cannots .....

  9. Totally unacceptable,  and if she doesn't tell you things in advance, and something of that magnitude, what else has she not informed you of.  Honesty is the best policy as well as respect, and just common sense.  It sounds like she lacks all of these things.  I would definitely talk to her about it, but be cautious, even if she seems apologetic.  Go with your gut instinct on this one mom!  Good luck and God Bless!

  10. That is most definitely unacceptable. Especially on her second day of employment! For all she knows, someone in your home may be allergic to dogs. I would have a talk with her and let her know that you are unhappy about that. Good luck to you!

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