
Is it ever ok to lose a friend over a guy?

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I had hooked up with this guy a few times and now he wants to be in a relationship with me but when I asked my friend who used to date him if that was ok, she flat out said no. She hates him so she doesn't want him but she doesn't want anyone else to have him. I want to be the bigger person and maybe just let the guy go but I care about him so much and have really become attatched to him. My other friends tell me that she is the one who should step aside and just let me be happy. I told her how crazy I am about him and he is not just a random guy I want to date but she isn't listening. IDK what to do..any help would be awesome :) We are all 18 by the way




  1. hey, you're older than me by 6 years but hopefully this helps..

    if you cant date the guy that is an ex to someone you know, how many guys CAN you date? i mean, especially in school all my friends go out with their friend's exes and who really gives? it doesn't matter. those kind of friends aren't wanted.  

  2. u always keep the friend, guys r replacable

  3. Whatever works for you

  4. this is a very tough situation

    it has alot of factors

    for starers friendship usally last alot longer then bf

    but thats not always true

    is this guy just some one who you think is coll or do you love him? if you love him tell your friend that he is meant for you and to forget the past and what he did tell her you dont want it to come between you and her.

    if this friend is a really great friend and he is just a cute guy to you dont do it i would keep her and ditch him

    try to make your decision based in how good you are friends with her and how much you love this guy

    hope i helped

  5. friends last longer than guys, but if she really wants to be your friend and have that relationship with you, she will respect you.  

  6. Depends how good the friend is.;...

  7. nah its not a good thing to do it causes to much drama

    but hey if you love drama then go ahead but always know

    that if she was a true friend and you get with him then he

    screws you over , your friend won't be there no more because

    you drove her away by doing something that was really rude

    to her so if/when he screws you over dont come crying to your


  8. talk to her her more, tell her how you feel,

    but if she refuses to listen, then shes the one

    losing a friend, so dont worry about it,

    soon things will fall into place.

  9. she should be hapy for u

    who cares what she thinks

    go for who u want

    but if she were a real friend

    she would let you

  10. OMG Like Kenzie said that she was wearing her red sweater after I said I was and now I have to find a whole new outfit!! Ughhh!!


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