
Is it ever ok to "bean" a player?

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I know this happens in baseball, mostly because the managers order it, but what are the most reasons it happens? Because they homered off you, you dont like the team?




  1. Managers don't order it. sometimes you do it if a guy is too close to the plate. Or if he said something to the catcher that the catcher didn't like so he tell the pitcher to nail him.

    Most times its an accident. Such as a count with 2 strikes or when your ahead in the count.

    S**t happens.

  2. yes it is ok if its only in retaliation. and if you do bean a player make sure its not at the head because if it is you could seriously injure someone or even kill someone (see ray chapman)

  3. Maybe an accident?  

  4. when they have horrible horrible sportsmanship and make loud bush league chants and scream instead of playing with class go head and give them some chin music!

  5. Back in the 70's and 80's if the batter in front of you hit a home run you knew you were getting plunked when you step up to the plate. I think doing it just out of spite for someone hitting a homer of you or that is kind of ridiculous and unsportsmanlike, but if a batter does something to one of your team mates, mainly the catcher, then i think you should definitely nail them next time they step into the box

  6. yes.  should be done in the right situation though.  usually guys get dotted cause they do something dumb, like a bat flip or stealing when you are up by 8 runs talking **** etc....  those are just a couple examples.  you could get plunked for many other reasons.  

  7. I personally dont believe in it and the excuse that " this is major League Baseball and this is what you do", is nonsense.

    No player deserves to be hit on any part of his body purposely.

    Managers, especially Ozzie the jerk, order it for different reasons. Whether to "calm" down a batter while on a good streak, or get back at an opposing player due to a play they made, or for what the opposing pitcher might have done, etc. To me its quite childish, Little league to do such a thing, but until the umpires rule differently, more so commisioner of baseball, it will only continue.

  8. If they bean your player for any reason, I think it is acceptable, and even encouraged to bean a player on the other team (typically the equal of the player on your team...for example, if they beamed your big bat, you bean their big bat...) to show that you are protecting your team. You're not gonna just stand by while the other team throws at you. I don't think you should ever throw at the batter's head. Just like, their shoulder or their upper leg. Something that is easy to shake off. If you are the equivalent player, you should be expecting it. Many players do as well.

    Plus, I thought it was justified when the Blue Jays kept beaning ARod last year because he called for the ball when running the bases so both the 2B and the SS for the Blue Jays backed off. That is dirty, and nobody should do it. That stuff is serious. If that keeps happening, players will just charge into each other and get seriously hurt.

    Now, if it looks like they're honestly not trying to hit you, many teams just let it go. Like, if the bases were loaded or something. It's pretty obvious he didn't mean to hit you then. It couldn't gain him anything. Unless the pitcher stares the batter down afterwards...then you gotta wonder. Sometimes it is acceptable though.

  9. In retaliation, from when your team was beaned intentionally.

    I dont think anyone had a problem when the Mets tried to throw at Clemens..

  10. The only time you should bean a player is when your star player is beaned.  Never go for the head.  You can kill a guy at that speed if you hit him in the head.

  11. Sure, but it's not something you talk about, especially to the media.  I was a catcher all my life and I know that I personally have called for a bean pitch on numerous occasions.

  12. NO!  It's ok to brush them back a little but never ever throw at the head

  13. "bean" ball is either to send a message "get the F**K off my plate" then the next is in retaioation "dont hit my F**kin player" & so on & so forth. Usually how it gets started, then it is usually just a see-saw effect. Until someone gets ejected!

  14. Let's make a distinction here.  throwing inside to push a player back from the plate is fine.  Even the occasional  hitting of a player in a well padded, somewhat innocuous area isn't too bad.

    There is no room for "beaning" or intentionally throwing at a player's head.  This is a dangerous and malicious act with the sole intent of injuring a player.  Having seen one of my early heroes (Tony C, Red Sox, 1967)  lose his career in such an incident, I take the hard line.  I think that such an act is criminal, akin to spearing in the NHL.

  15. I think it's O.K. as long as you don't aim for the head because i think baseball has gotten soft.

    Sometimes the players do it on there own because, for example, the hitter hit a home run and tried to show off or mouthed off on there last at-bat against them. Or sometimes the manager calls it because he thought his player was hit on purpose.

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