
Is it ever okay to yell at employees?

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I know this one guy who routinely apologizes afterwards after he has verbally blasted his employees. In many cases, the criticisms are not even legitimate and he is just being a jerk. What can these employees do? Sometimes, the guy has a point when he is critical, but instead of moving on the guy will continue to criticise the person for months, making their life miserable, and never letting them forget that they once made a mistake even if this mistake might not have been interrupted as such by others.




  1. That is harassment. Not only is that cruel, it is illegal. Contact your local department of employment services. Criticisms are one thing, and sometimes you have to raise your voice to get your point across, but this sounds like it has gone too far.

  2. Yelling at employees is a sign of weakness as a leader. Supervisors who routinely berate their staff are overwhelmed by a job they are clearly not cut out to perform. These are the same supervisors who, at every given moment, will complain that their staff have low morale and bad attitudes, without pausing to wonder why. Making a complaint to your HR department, if you have one, might be a step to take, as long as they have a policy to protect you against retribution. Good luck.

  3. No, it is never ok to yell at anyone you work with, whether you are the boss or just a co-worker. This guy has a real problem and an apology is not enough. As long as nothing is done to reprimand him, then he will continue to behave badly.EVERYONE should get together and report him to HIS boss. Go up the chain of command until you get some relief. Good luck!

  4. No. never

  5. Creating a "hostile" work environment is also a form of HARASSMENT.  He can be sued for harassment of everything is properly documented.  Are there any security cameras in the place?  If witnesses can document everything and prove what he's doing, he is screwwwwed!!!  The 8-9 hrs. we spend at work is our most productive and awake hours of the day, so why should we have to take c**p off of an egotisticalbastard??

  6. Are you in a position to fire him?  

    Does your company have an HR department that can take disciplinary measures?

    He doesn't seem like an asset to the team.  Someone in a position higher than him should sit him down and tell him that his behavior is not acceptable.  But the employees who are being mistreated need to make a case against him.

  7. He is out of line, he is verbally abusing these people and harassing them unnecessarily, he obviously has deep issues of his own and someone needs to inform those higher up on the scale and go to HR, if there is an HR, or get together and file a class action lawsuit as this sort of abuse is illegal in all companies in all states.

  8. Actually, that is a form of harassment and he can be fired for it. If the company doesn't do anything about it, eventually they are going to be sued and lose a shipload of money.

  9. He's an idiot.  No, he shouldn't be yelling at employees and continually criticizing.  Its abusive.   He is not gaining respect from anyone for his behaviour either.  Go to your human resources department.  If its a small company, speak with the owner.  If that doesn't work, try going to your local employment standards board and see what they say.

  10. No, unacceptable.

    There was just an article on this the other day.  Deskrage:

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