
Is it ever worth buying disposable novels like thrillers/chicklit ?

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I tend to get my light fiction from the library/

I just question the need for filling you house up with piles of disposable novels or do you find you read them again?




  1. I sometimes do read them again. But i agree- they are just like magazines.  

  2. It's totally worth buying; even better when you can buy them at a used book shop, or when the library has a sale to get rid of their stuff.  I sometimes read them again -- take htem on vacation then leave them wherever you finish them; take them on theb us or train and leave them on the seat when you're done!  THere is even some organization on the web that sells little plastic bags to put your bags in that say, "this is not an abandoned book!" and it's intended for others to find it and read it.

  3. There's a website where you can exchange your unwanted paperbacks with other people. It's free. I joined it for a while, but never could find good exchanges. I don't like romance novels or "self-help" books, but it's a fairly decent site.

  4. i sometimes read book more than once

  5. Well buying them would allow you to open them up at any time (when you're bored), of course most of the time, they don't need re-reading since it's pretty straight forwards. I wouldn't buy them (I don't even read them ^^)

  6. I never really read a book like that twice, use a book swapping website like read it swap it or book crossing.

  7. I read, then I either sell them on amazon/ebay or give them away or to a charity shop.  I tend to forget or am to busy to travel to the library so i often occur fines worth more than the book.  In some cases I will keep the book read again.

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