
Is it evil to be ambitious ?

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  1. Depends on the context.  Stalin was "evil", so was any national leader who lusted after power.  Evil is a difficult word to define.  It is not evil to want to improve oneself or take care on one's family by getting a better job.

  2. nope

  3. i would say jesus was ambitious based on his desire to differentiate himself from others and rise to great things.  saving all of humanity from themselves is pretty ******* ambitious. and, no, he didn't always want to die, but he did it anyways.  that seems to be the root of ambition- there is a balance between the need to do it with the true consequences in mind for the good of it, and the pride of it.  so kind of.

  4. ask William Shakespeare he made his main character Macbeth ambitious and that made him very evil

  5. No.  Being evil and being ambitious are two different things, but, sad to say, many ambitious people can be mean, vicious, evil, etc., and that can give ambition a bad name.  Being ambitious can be a truly wonderful thing if what's achieved from that ambition is used to make the world a better place.

  6. It's not evil, I would say. I think it does though create conflict in society because it makes you aggressive and competitive.

  7.'s a fine quality...if you don't get greedy and self absorbed.

  8. If your ambitious does not hurt you and others but lead you to your goals, then why not? There is one rule in using ambition...You cannot be happy for a cost of unhappiness of other participants in your journey. Sacrificing yourself is far from being wise too.

  9. According to the catholics, pride is a sin. To be righteous, you should sell all of your belongings, donate the money to charity, and get a job helping the down-trodden.

    To do anything else that will benefit yourself and earn money; so, being ambitious; is evil.

  10. Absolutely Not. If weren't ambitious you would simply starve to death

  11. NO! It's not evil at all, don't listen to closed-minded people. Does it really matter if it IS evil? One cannot help one's nature... I mean if you are ambitious, then don't try to change yourself just to conform to society's stupid rules. There is no good/evil or right/wrong. it's all just beliefs and opinions. If one person shares another person's opinion, then those two people will automatically assume that their opinion is right, b/c it is right to each other. ^_^

  12. It depends on the nature of your ambition!

    If it is self-serving, yes.

  13. It depends, there is nothing wrong with being ambitious in itself but if you are evil and ruthless about it then yes its bad,

  14. It is not wrong to want fine and luxurious things or to ave dreams, it is the means and method used to acquire or reach that end that can be evil.

  15. Ambition is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it's very good. Without it, you won' t be able to achieve anything in your life. However, you have to pay attention to your morals when you are working on getting to your goal. Some people might judge them as unethical, which then can turn them into evil. If your ambition to do something benefits many people, though, is it really evil to get there? Sometimes the outcome justifies them means.  

  16. No!

    Ambition is just wanting to succeed. As long as you want to succeed to do good, or to feel good -- for reasons that don't involve taking pleasure in having control over others, and as long as you climb your ladder without stepping on any toes (your behavior is ethical), ambition is good and necessary. It's the hunger for power and wealth, that is behind some people's ambitions, that is evil.
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