
Is it expensive to fix some siding?

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I actually have two questions. One is yesterday in a storm, a tree fell down and its branch hit my house left side wall, made a small dent on the exterior wall, also scratched several sidings off. Looks like not a big deal, but since I don't have any house repair experience, I am wondering how much it will normally cost to get it fixed, to put the two piece sidings back on. And also, is it necessary to fix the dent? I live in Atlanta Georgia.

Question #2 is, I think I need to talk to HOA people to remove some dead trees from the side of my home. I really worry about it. But how to make the HOA to do it? They might just ignore me. Anyone has similar experience?





  1. I don't know, but my uncle is in a huge mess because we had a bad storm and hail ripped holes in his siding

  2. Ok, first question... What kind of siding do you have?  Metal, Vinyl, Tile, Wood, etc?

    Next is the 'dent' in ONLY the siding, and not the material under it?

    If you have vinyl siding, you can most likely fix this yourself...if its very high up, you'd need a ladder of course.  Vinyl siding is attached with roofing nails, most commonly.... about 1 1/4" works pretty well... that's long enough they are easy to grip, but not so long it takes too much time to hammer them in, hehehe.  The nail should NOT be hammered tight against the siding!  Take the piece of siding, and lift it into place, the bottom of the siding snaps into the top of the row below it.  Then you nail the top of it, every few holes.  You'll probably have some holes that were torn, and the original nails may still be in place, just move to the next hole, and nail there.  Again, the siding should be able to move left and right... put the nail in the center of the hole.  The siding should NOT be butted up against the pieces to left or right.  There should actually be a small overlap, with a little room for the pieces to expand/contract.

    As long as the 'dented' vinyl is not punctured, you wouldnt have to necessarily replace it, but its not expensive, and I would take the piece with me to the building supply store to get a matching piece, if possible.

    If you took one of the loose pieces to the store and got any replacements necessary, then a handyman could put it all back up in one trip... shouldnt cost any more than a normal service call, say about $75, probably less.  You can probably get reimbursed from your homeowner's insurance, though they may want 3 estimates, so call them first.  I would expect to spend less than a half hour putting up 3 pieces of siding, from the time I parked my vehicle.

    If you have METAL siding, it may take a bit longer.  Depending on what kind of home you have, will determine how the siding was attached.  Some is nailed, some stapled, and some use screws.  Any dented metal siding should be replaced.  (If it is steel siding, it will rust at the dent, very quickly).

    Wood siding - well, there's a lot of different types and styles... usually tho, a dent can be filled with a good quality putty, and painted or stained to match.

    Now, as to the dead trees.... Are you renting your home site, or do you own it?

    The first thing I would do, is check my HOA agreement.

    If you OWN your site, the HOA may tell you its YOUR responsibility.

    If you RENT your site, then put your request in writing....keep all contact with them in writing, and keep copies.  Be specific, and ask for a response by a certain date, saying what action they will be taking.  Be reasonable with the date, a decision maker may be on vacation, or it may take time to schedule a contractor for the trees.  They may want to bring in an expert to see if the trees need to actually be removed, or they can just have dead limbs trimmed out of them.

    HOA's, like any other organization, or business, can have good service or bad.... you can't judge them all by one or two bad examples.  Be reasonable, and be sweet.  Don't automatically assume poor treatment, or go in 'fighting'.  (A little people management trick here.... go in angry, or with an attitude, and you will automatically put the other person on the defensive... making them LESS willing to help you, or get the issue resolved).  Its surprising what a smile and friendly approach can do, hehehe.

    Good Luck

  3. Well, contact your Hoa and see what they say about the trees. On the siding, contact the company that put it on, and see if they have any siding that matches that they would put on to fix the dent. You should also contact your homeowner's insurance company to see if they will help you with the damaged siding.   Since it is storm damage you really need to contact your insurance. Good luck. good luck.

  4. First Question I Have is .... Do You Have Any Insurance???? If so call your agent right away!!! if you own or rent you need insurance on your home and personal property!!!

    Next is to get a couple of people (contractors) over to give you estimets for your insurance.. turn them in and wait for the ajuster to come out and look things over!!! Depending on your insurance they might pay for the cleanup of the trees... or else put an ad in the paper for FREE WOOD... Come and get it!!!!

  5. Yes.

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