
Is it expensive to live in NYC?

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Is it expensive to live in NYC?




  1. generally speaking, yes, but it's mainly your rent/mortgage, taxes, insurance, etc.

    but many consumables, like food, household items, are cheaper, because of the heavy volume here. also, there's so much more variety of things here from all over the world that you couldn't find in most places at any price.

    i would only take issue with iceman's comment about people earning over $100K living from paycheck to paycheck - people who make that much (or little, however you look at it...) who have to live from paycheck to paycheck have something wrong in their spending and saving habits. NYC is expensive, for sure, but it's still not London, Tokyo, or Iceland, and you just have to adjust to your situation.

    my own household income is at least that high, our rent is market-rate, and we still have to eat like everybody else, but we still have an overflow of surplus that goes into savings/investments every month...

  2. Yes its horribly expensive.

    Some people argue that salaries are high enough to off set the cost, but this simply is not the case for most people. I know many couples making over 100k combined that still live paycheck to paycheck. Everything is more expensive. The only bargain you get in NYC is public transportaion. Most people either dont have cars, or rarley use them. And just take subway and busses. This saves alot of money. But everything else is ridicoulous.

  3. Where are you moving from?  This would help determine the answer - if it is from London, for example, it is quite possible that it would be more expensive than New York.  

  4. It is very expensive, but there are areas where it is affordable.

    My wife lived in Washington Heights (in upper Manhattan) before we married. She paid $800 for a one bedroom and street parking is free. Sometimes she might have to park a couple blocks away from her apt and other times she found a space in front of her building.  But the area is not clean and not a good place to park a really nice car. My wife's car was an old piece of junk so it was no problem.

  5. It depends where in NYC.  

    Wired New York has two forums dedicated to answering questions such as yours.


    Moving to New York:

  6. Yes, it is the most expensive place to live in the entire US

  7. 1000 to 2000 for rent and utilities---and that is a conservative estimate. parking?? Forget about it. Bus and subway?? expensive every month. eating and drinking?? expensive every month. finding a roommate?? Good luck--you probably will find a criminal roommate who will rip you off all the time.

  8. no....not at all.

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