
Is it extra hard to have a long term, committed relationship with men in their 20's?...?

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Don't get me wrong men in thier 20's are great but are they just too scattered and changing to have a serious long term relationship?




  1. :D  It all depends on where you're looking, and who your friends are!  People mature at different rates and times.  I think our marriage turned out pretty well.  Married at 25 (she was 22), still going strong 15 years later.

  2. The Love of my life is 22 years old. and He is a steady person. he is so committed to our relationship. he wants to get married I do not at least not yet.

    We have been together for 4 years and in that time we have grown stronger in our love. so YES a man in his 20's  can be committed in a relationship. it just depends on the guy.

    BTW I am 20 years old. just so you know

  3. No.  If the man in his 20's wants you, you will get and keep him.  If he really isn't that interested in you he will string you a long for either comfort, s*x, food, a place to stay...whatever you are giving him.

  4. Doesn't matter because when woman are in their early 30's they will decide they want something else and move on anyway.

  5. I was much more mature in my 20's... enough to learn that relationships are pointless in life(30 yrs). Most people only care about themselves. The scattered and changing doesn't go away as people get older. Few people really marry anymore.

  6. I wonder that myself, I'm 20 right now & I wonder if any guys my age want the long-term, lead-to-marriage relationship. I guess that explains why I'm attracted to older men, they have their stuff together. Most guys in their 20s don't know what they want.

  7. It's extra hard to have a long-term committed relationship with anyone in their 20's.  You have endless options, a drive to explore your world and everyone in it and all the time in the world for committment.  Only the very lame want a committed relationship in their 20's.  Go have some fun!  Or at least don't criticize others for wanting to live.

  8. Everything depends on the individual and his upbringing.  No two men are alike.  I hope I don't sound sexist here, but, having both a daughter and a son, I was eager for my daughter to have children in her twenties due to optimal chances of having healthy eggs / babies in our twenties as females.  But, I wish men would hold off on marriage / committment / etc. until their late twenties at the earliest mostly because men need that time to themselves to solidify their egos, their own vision and their individuality seperate from the male pack before merging visions with a woman in a convenant.  My husband of twenty-five years was only 18 when we married and that harmed him.  Although he was an unusally honorable man from a very young age, he morbidly chased his "youth" forever after that too-early committment.

  9. Experience taught me that people dont know who they are yet till they reach 30

    so they MAY change on you, and become incompatible.

    (but you may do that to him too, ya know)

    --- dont let this stop you.

    Pick with head AND heart...pick well,

    and then go with it, and enjoy.

    And grow together,

    and work to make it work.

    In fact you know what -honestly- dream of the man you want, with all the details, keep this in your heart, spend time imagining it up...

    and then prepare to be surprised, because he will show up!

    (It has to do with prayer..


    Literally dont ASK ((god)) for this...just imagine what the guy should be like, spend a lot of time on it,  then let it go..and forget about it ...and it'll show up.


    Anytime I've ASKED I only ended up not getting because asking expresses doubt that you can have what you need(its like petitoning against the beleif that He wont give you what you need)

    The secret to praying is that (ask and ye shall receive) is actually true...but you really gotta leave out all the explaining and bargaining and to do that to keep it just a totally 'faithfull'  wish..just imagine what you need, and then forget about it and go on with your a week or a couple weeks something will happen.

    I hope it was ok to talk about prayer to you. I bet our god ideas may differ, but i like to think we  are in the same universe, ya know?

    And i find it really works, to not express doubt to god, by pleading.

    Its not supposed to be hard like that.

    God doesnt want you to be deprived and unhappy.

    And have to beg for things

    So just dream a dream. It's what they are for.

    You have that power

    And then say thankyou after!

    I hope that was ok.

  10. Although it's a generalization, I was, indeed, far more immature in my twenties than I am now.  Perhaps you might consider dating those of use in our thirties and see if this is interesting.

  11. Generalising? Lots of men are too immature to have that kind of relationship at any age.

  12. Not necessarily. There are some decent, mature men of substance about. Just make sure to avoid the cads

  13. Generally, yes.  Unless you find an extra mature one.  I've met several of them from other countries.

  14. I think it depends on the maturity of each man. Some are ready for a long-term commitment at that age, and some aren't. I think that in general, though, the older men get, the more ready they become for that type of commitment.

  15. I don't think a lot of people, men or women, in their early 20's are really looking for a committed relationship today.  The ones who are are usually getting married right out of college.

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