
Is it extremely bad obession if I put glitter on myself every day so I could sparkle like the Cullen?

by  |  earlier

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Sparkle sparkle




  1. I guess it would be cool to sparkle...but that is a little overboard. Sorry!

  2. umhm i think we all know the answer to that.

    but hey, points for being original. xD

  3. I think its a bit obsessive but, its not doing you any harm so it isnt dangerous or bad

  4. Hello there,

    NOTE: This is my personal opinion. I am not a professional. Use my advice at your own discretion.

    Do whatever you feel comfortable with, as long as it does not get in the way of your daily activities.

    I hope this helps. Good luck with the glitter! Haha! Bye.

  5. i would say that it would be going  over board even for an obsessed fan!! sorry, but if you want to you go and be unique!

  6. Glue your glitter box or compact shut so that you can't put it on.  And make your family, friends, and yourself stop you from buying glitter.  You don't have to wear glitter to sparkle, you can pretend or imagine that you are glittery, not literally glittery.  If that doesn't work, I would consult a psychiatrist.  And yes, you are obsessed almost to the point of fanaticism.

    Edit:  Hey, weren't there like 36 answers to this question, what happened to them.  There's only 13 now.  I'm confused.

  7. Heh- you can waste your money on glitter (which you cannot eat) and other frivolous things because it is a free country.

    One day in the future, you will grow a few more molecules of brain matter/experience/common sense/maturity and you may stop buying this worthless (to me) dust.

    Meanwhile, use your childhood glitter dust and repeat the resulting stories eventually to your great grandchildren.

  8. No matter how much I'd love to look like a part of the Cullen's coven I don't think I'll be that extreme to put glitter on my face.

  9. Uhh...YEAH!  Did you seriously need to waste 5 points to ask this question?  Dude!!  Glitter?  HAHA!!  Even I'm not that obsessed...


  10. I would say your getting very close to an obsession. Not there yet but very close.

  11. lolz cool! go you for being original! lolz...hey..i might do that...hmm...anyways... yeah i think its a pretty..interesting obsession but hey, could be a lot worse! and its for EDWARD CULLEN! :) lolz

  12. lol XD Sparkle Sparkle.

    Yep, I'd say that's a bit of an obsession XD Well als long as you like it, who cares :D

  13. nooooo ! if you go out in the sun the vampires will be revealed ! dont make me tell the volturi !

    hehe =] i enjoyed that =P  

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