
Is it extremely dangerous to investigate the paranormal?

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I have heard different views about it. Some people investigate alledged hauntings and seem to be perfectly fine...while others have gotten themselves into deeper water by accidentally attracting evil spirits...many times in which can inhabit the investigator's home or taunt them or their families. How dangerous is it really to be a paranormal investigator? Just curious...




  1. I wouldn't worry so much about falling down or getting things thrown at me as I would the emotional,mental,spiritual damage they can do...and how they can destroy your life and your soul. You really really need to understand more about them before you try to follow them or deal with them...or listen to them.

  2. if your sensitive you will attract spirits, some people are more sensitive than others and if they dont protect themselves then they will get the wrong sort of spirit who can attach themselves to the person. if your thinking of doing something like this imagine your self in a white ball of light and ask your guides to protect you.

  3. never trust them, trust your GOD

  4. I have not heard of any cases where a paranormal investigator was possessed by a spirit.  There has been, however, cases where investigators have been stung or sratched for unknown reasons, but these are NOT serious to even note as injury.

    Spirits draw on enviromental energy, some theorize surrounding electro-static / electro-magnetic energy acts as a conductor.  Other theories hold that energy from the investigators themselves may hold a key into the appearance of spirits.  Note: a person's energy level is just as different as they are as people.

  5. I would say that there is no paranormal.

    Therefore, it is safe.

  6. It's very dangerous if you don't know what your doing! Most people don't have a clue! Some people on tv are even worse!If interested check out my website at Thanks!

  7. There hasn't been one credible, documented or verified incident of a spirit hurting a person (let alone that spirits even exist). So, my answer is no. Seems pretty safe. The most dangerous thing about it is probably tripping over something in the dark.

  8. Can it happen? Yeah, it can. Every time you go to a haunting you run the risk of something following you home and/or attracting something evil/negative. But I would think that most serious investigators would know what precautions to take.

  9. I dont know what you think is a bullcrap answer, but Ill tell you the truth, and if you think its bullcrap, then dont ask questions.

    No, there is no evidence that ghosts even exist, much less that they could hurt a person.

    If you are watching the show Most Haunted, you should know that they set those shows up before hand. The psychics walk around telling you about different areas of a building using thier psychic powers. However, they already know all that information, because they are the ones who do the research for the show before they investigate.

    A Haunting... is another crock. The information in those shows is entirely based on the childhood memories of two or three people involved in the story. They are not only embellished by childhood imaginations, and reconstructed memories. But also the recreations of the stories are designed to leave you no doubt that whats happening is paranormal. All-in-all I have not seen an episode of that show which I can say anything paranormal happened.

    I have only seen the TAPS show once for about 5 minutes, and I found them rather insulting to my intelligence, so I cant comment on that show. However, I would say there is a reason that and John Edwards are on the sci-fi channel.

  10. I like to tapdance on a OUIJA board inside a pentagram while tearing out pages from the Bible for fun.

    Still here.

    Oh, in the dark..... spoooooky!


    (oh, almost forgot... buckle your seatbelt!  thats a REAL fear!)

  11. I have been on several investigations and I nor anyone I know has ever been hurt in the process. The only way that I see you can really get hurt is normal things that can happen walking around in the dark or the spirits scaring you enough to where you hurt yourself trying to get away. It is a possiblity to encounter something demonic and from what I have heard they can hurt you but cases like that are extremely rare. So, all in all I would have to say that it is not really that dangerous at all.

  12. I have never heard of anyone getting hurt by a ghost.  You do have to watch out for normal stuff like tripping and falling.  Older places have bad floors and stairs.  I almost fell into a hole in the floor once.

  13. i think it depends on how professional and serious you are abt it.. some ppl just do it for  the name, kid around with the spirits and find themselves in trouble.. i would say that if you are very serious, not gonna provoke and know what you are doing, its ok.

  14. paranormal not exist so safe to check it

  15. only if you trip or walk around in the dark

    I have never been followed home, and never been beaten up so I dont know where that B.S. comes from. But you need a first aid kit, in case you trip Or walk around in the dark

    wow tough questioner.

  16. It is dangerous sometimes because we go out in isolated areas where drug dealers, homeless people and people with bad intentions dwell. Not in the ghost sense. We also walk around in the dark with very Little light at times and this can be dangerous because we can fall and break something.


  17. I am not an investigator but I was injured on two different occasions by something unexplainable.

    I can tell you that ghosts can hurt you. One I was stabbed from front to back like a shishkabob and the other I was kept very sick the time I stayed in this house with extreme poltergeist activity. The injuries were mental and  physical.

    In both cases the spirit or whatever it was stayed at the place and did not follow me. One was a definite person's spirit and the other seemed to be something else more dark and just wanting to make me miserable.

  18. As long as you know how to protect yourself; you will be fine.

    On my Yahoo 360 blog I  have written several entries on psychic self protection

  19. Bull c**p? you already decided what your answer will be?

    One thing about this stuff is that you need to be MENTALLY  strong to handle anything you may encounter. Certain negative energies ('evil spirits') can attach themselves to someone who is psychologically weak and torment them...manifesting ideas and paranormal activity such as poltergeists (by feeding off the hosts biomagnetic energy).

  20. Nope.  Seeing how there's nothing to it.

    Think it's bullcrap?  Feel free to prove me and all of science wrong.  This guy will give you a million bucks for it too.

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